If your blogs are ever deleted, you should be able to ask staff to restore them.

I’ll keep this in mind! However I do have nsfw side blogs, so if anything happens to this blog (I don’t trust tumblr to not delete ALL my blogs who freakn knows), you can find me on Deviantart and Twitter under WeirdHyenas. I’ll figure something out, but honestly I’m not too surprised, or worried. Either tumblr’s going to backpeddle HARD like the dips they are or I may poof, no matter what there’s always another ‘tumblr’ outlet to resettle on.

~Weird Hyenas

i dont quite understand the whole mjol thing. whats the difference between a kuros mjol and a kuros who is in love?

Mjol/Mja/Mjolja (mja is referring to female partners, Mjolja is gender neutral)

are like kurosian equivalent of ‘partners’ just without the implication of love or producing offspring. Kuros are also polyamorous, so they typically have more than one at a time. There isn’t a lot of cuddling or going on romantic dates, it’s more along the lines of ‘friends with benefits’ type of thing. Being too close and romantic would make others suspicious love is involved.

~Weird Hyenas

So I know that romantic love is forbidden but why?

To the Kuros, it’s seen as poison. For love can make one too loyal to one dragon instead of the whole, and it could lead them to disobey orders that could result in chaos for others. Turn them against one another out of jealousy, even driven to kill for them. To the Kuros, doing this for one single dragon is seen as selfish, a danger to the people. 

Loving their culture, people, and duties as rulers of Darkness is meant to be most important and makes the ‘best’ Kurosian dragon.

It’s so ingrained in Kurosian culture that it has a big stigma against it, insinuating one is in romantic love is an insult and an attack on their honor. Kruta, one of Feuriah’s Mjol, absolutely loved reading romance novels as they often displayed both fiction and non-fiction stories of dragons falling from grace after falling in love, leaving their post at a war to save a lover which resulted in their unit being killed, a dragon attacking their own King to defend their love, etc. 

~ Weird Hyenas

THANK YALL SO MUCH seriously, apologies for bein’ confused 8,D 

Kuros nails and horns are Kuronium, while they can have fur, hair and feathers, if that counts? Scales can grow over the horns and form facial structures, but it’s usually made of scale rather than the keratin I think, something stronger and more resilient. Scale can still be damaged and broken off, and there’s different types of scale that could be thinner, more flexible, etc. Like the spurs on Feuriah’s wings are actually scales that she is able to flex and flare up during flight, and a lot of dragons have scale covering their horns and other exposed Kuronium bits 😀

But I agree with the first ask too, I can see that fitting with Chroma! 


i think to think if kurogh did have any other children; they were failures in his eyes. not in a cruel sense, but they simply didn’t live up to what kurogh had set out for them.

You know, you’re totes right. I hate the idea of it, but I can see him simply repeating his mother’s behavior with his own.UGH THIS HURTS YOU GUYS


What is the planet that this blog takes place on called? Because I know that there is more to it than just Kurosia and the Skylands.

I haven’t quite found a name I like yet, unfortunately! For the Skylanders universe, Kurosia is just this GIGANTIC continent floating through dark space. For the original idea for Kurosia, I haven’t quite decided how I wanted the world to be built. I do have some idea for ‘other realms’, ones where the Gods dwell, and where the Kuros and all creatures are. But, for the actual name of the planet; dunno! One day I’ll figure it out, I had some ideas but nothing’s really stuck out to me yet.

~Weird Hyenas