Lost Queen, do you have any fond memories of siblings, parents, or other family members while growing up? What was it like being a kid in the Kurosian city?

Lost Queen : I didn’t have a lot of fond memories from Warfang, I had some but… it’s best to just not think about it all. My childhood in Kurosia was simply amazing. It didn’t matter that I had no parents, I killed my father in Warfang and never found out who my mother was. In Kurosian culture, the whole society raises the children alongside the parents. Since I didn’t have parents, I was raised in an orphanage kind of building close to the castle. 

After I met the Queen, I wanted nothing more than to be just like her. *chuckles* I do have some fond memories with the other children of the city, we’d play in the marketplace with the largest fountain in Kurosia. I’d always pretend to be the Queen and rule the other children into battle, and sometimes the adults would play too. Even the soldiers would stop their patrols and pretend with us!

My culture is evil, sure, but we took care of our own. We were a tight-knit people, we loved each other and took pride in our place in the shadows. I will never cease my battle with the Skylanders until I’ve avenged every single soul lost in my city.

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