Lost Queen : I’m not honestly too sure wether or not my human form helped at all or not, but I had my human form by the time I had Havok. Kaos didn’t get his dragon form till after Hysteria. But alas, strange things do happen in Skylands so I’ve just gone along with it.

As for another? No, I’m quite finished having children. At this point, I’ve given birth to so many yet so few remain, it wares on the mind. I was not prepared to have Havok, I was so scared that because he was a hybrid, he wouldn’t survive. After losing so many, having to banish the last child I knew survived…I wouldn’t be able to bare losing another. Even though giving birth to Havok’s oversized egg nearly killed me and or him… I needed him as much as I needed Kaos. Havok gave me more to live for than just vengeance. He was an oddity, so much diferent than dragon whelps, but he was the first child I got to raise past the age of 5. 

I originally didn’t want any more after Havok, but Kaos was actually the one who wanted one more. Given that humans live so much shorter than dragons… I gave in, and so far I’m quite happy with my daughter. Both of my hybrid children have so much promise, but no more. Kurosian dragons are typically only active for 3 cycles (about 15 years) before they take a 5 cycle break. I think I’m good for a century. 

|| Other Humanized Lost Queen Posts || Dragon Kaos || 

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