Dearest Queen, forgive my ask, but it is pure curiosity- It’s about Cynder’s name. It sounds less Kurosian than any other name, or perhaps her name is a rough translation so the mortals could say it? Thank you in advance for your answer! (To creator: This blog is amazing and I love it so much ;w; Great work!)

Lost Queen : That’s probably because I didn’t get to name my own daughter.

She was hatched by Malefor, and the twisted basterd gave her that name. His way of a sick joke. She was the last cinders of a now dead race, or what he presumed was dead. 

If I had been given the chance to name her… personally… I liked the name Avelyn. It means “Longed-for child” or “longed-for daughter”. I always did want a daughter…

((OOC : dyaw thank you so much hon! I’m very happy you’re enjoying it! ❤))

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