Listening to Cryoshell’s got me thinking: why, exactly, did Malefor destroy Kurosia? Did he do it for the sake of it, did he plan to destroy it from the start, or did he snap? & does he (like, in his mind) have a theme song for when he destroyed Kurosia?

OOC : Malefor felt intimidated by the Kuros. They were powerful, ruthless, the perfect minions for him, but they weren’t dumb like the Apes. He got lucky with the prophecy deal, but if the Kuros ever turned on him, he would be in big trouble. Especially with their real Gods. Things were going well enough as he used them, but he knew Feuriah was onto his game. With her being a Convexity element, it had Malefor nervous about her too.

Feuriah was the leader of an underground rebel group who plotted to rid themselves of Malefor’s rule. Malefor found out about this shortly before he caused The Fall, and decided that the Kuros were too much of a threat to him to let them stay around. He pulled some strings with Kurogh, who of course listened to his every word. Kurogh himself felt aware that not all the Kuros praised Malefor, and with Malefor’s trickery, he starts to believe a purge is in order to cleanse the city of the false Kuros. Together he and Kurogh hatch a plan to deliver this purge, and it involves tricking Feuriah to leave Kurosia (or, in the LoS version, Malefor doesn’t even know she leaves with Cynder). 

As for a song, I actually find Malefor the more serious type of villain. His theme song for The Fall would most likely be the sound of dying dragons, apes screaming their battle cries, and his own maniacal laughter 8I

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