

Name: Cadfael

Nickname: Z

Gender: male  

Element: Sea

A Yinvaht with titanium bones, Z actually is a hybrid that was a result of a recent pact between a deep sea city. As per norm with pacts with the Kuros, a Kuros and a member of royalty of the other people must wed. The result was sea beasts who helped prove resources for them and Z.

While Z is pretty big for a Yinvaht, he is still considered small and is a loud cocky dude who really is isn’t that brave despite him talking big. While he loves learning things and have lived in the Capital of the Kuros all his life he really doesn’t care for the whole ‘war, darkness, TERROR’ thing and just likes to chill and play games.

His current fave is Sunset Overdrive.

OOC : holy frightening baby jebus christo….still wanna pap his face. Gaming kruobab? Yes, yes please. yes.

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