Hey Voteil, how do you feel about the third egg of your mother and Kaos?

“Another sibling eh? Excited, or more nervous that you’ll be outnumbered?” Dr.Krankcase growled at Havok, using two of his wooden legs to tease the hybrid with a push. Havok snorted, barely stumbling as he meandered the same way the evil genius happened to be going. It was pretty clear, even to the unseen eyes, that Havok wasn’t really amused. Something was bothering him, Voteil could sense it. Was it his ‘Big Brother’ feelings, or his Seuth abilities? Big Brother feelings were better, so he picked that. 

‘I feel the same.’ Voteil thought to himself as he floated close to the walls like he usually did. Not visible, this was his natural state. This way, he could blip in and out of this moment and the next. Skipping ahead like a dream, or what dreaming was to him since he died. He dreamed a lot before Mommy came back with Kaos.

Only to those sensitive enough could sense him now. Thankfully, Havok never dabbled much with the Undead element; meaning Voteil could wonder right at his ‘little’ brother’s heel and he wouldn’t even sense him. Havok’s Aura sensing and reading was one of his most skilled talents… but he only knew of the living Auras, not the dead. Not the long, long dead. It was almost a comfort, at least he could stay around one of his siblings. Cynder was too far, he was very lucky to see her in dreams once in a


moon. Hysteria… her darkness was toxic, it made Voteil feel sick to be around. 

Havok had felt Hysteria’s sickening aura in her egg, just as Voteil had. He hadn’t helped Hysteria grow; she didn’t need help. But what grew was something not Kurosian, or some mutant of it. It was all sorts of wrong, it made his vapor tremble in the nothing.

Now, Voteil knew what his little brother was thinking. ‘Will this one be like Hysteria? What if it’s worse?’

“Eeeeh thought I was spared hearing you freaky spawn mewling about as ankle biters.” Dr.Krankcase continued, not noticing Havok’s lack of enthusiasm. The doctor was far too focused on his own goo guns, checking them over. 

“You still are.” Havok mused, forcing an enthusiasm that Voteil assumed was meant to redirect this conversation. His little brother was super, super worried then, wasn’t he? Havok rarely deflected, he usually just did it anytime Kaossandra pushes Havok to settle down. Or, when someone mentions Whisper, the one lady that aaaaaaaaaaaaalways made his little brother’s heart thrum like festival drums. 

“Super secret agent Krankcase! Remember?” Havok announced loudly enough for it to echo down the stone halls. The crazed engineer winced as if it were too loud; or he was just too old to deal with Havok’s youthful obnoxiousness. His hair was starting to show flecks of grey… 

“Hngngng…” Krankcase mumbled in a deep rumble. Suddenly he wasn’t so eager to tease Havok, just as the hybrid planned. “Speaking of, better get back before the Skylanders notice me gone. Ugh, I better get a paid vacation for this.” he grumbled, slouching on his legs. He gave Havok a half hearted wave goodbye, and Havok was finally alone. Voteil willed himself up taller, looking into his brother’s eyes. 

But he disconnected from his brother, severing the heartfelt attachment. Only for a moment; he had to. This way, he could break apart, and see into the Forever. It was easy to do when he didn’t have to focus on talking to someone, especially when he didn’t have an anchor like a body. Dipping into the Forever to feel the silky dark threads of itself. The countless possibilities, it was impossible to fathom even to him as a spirit. Something like this, not even Gods could fully understand. The Forever was something only the Universe understood. 

What the Gods could do, was sense the ripples. Like a stuck fly in a spider’s web. They could try to aide the realms to cushion the ripples, and Mahoura was loving enough to gift her people with the Seuth; ones that would also feel the Forever. Tapping into threads in ways his tiny, futile mind can understand. The ones that were only most likely to happen, otherwise he’d go mad. Some Seuth… did, in the past.

Not Voteil, though! He dipped into the Forever and came back to his brother’s side. Havok had returned to his living quarters by now, watching portals with Luminous and Viril. ‘He wanted the comfort of his friends.’ Voteil frowned, feeling a blue pang of guilt ripple though his nothing. But he had to peek into the timelines, he wanted to scream and cheer! Voteil wanted to shower his brother with this good feeling, if only his little brother could comprehend the music the timelines were strumming back to him! Music was good, very good! Offtune was really, really bad; Hysteria’s was like metal talons on a rock-face.

He focused his nothing to the spot right above Havok’s head on the couch. He felt himself sink in just enough to leave an imprint, but he didn’t focus in enough to materialize. Hopefully, nobody would notice. Anchoring down like this helped him stay in tune with time. It was very easy to dream, spirits never felt tired or sleepy after all. Voteil latched onto his brother’s aura, letting it comfort and soothe him. He was thankful Havok didn’t sense undead auras very well, Mommy was too sensitive. 

‘Don’t worry, little brother.’ Voteil thought, wishing so hard he could speak it out loud. But Luminous and Viril would hear, and it would only alarm Havok and possibly scare him. ‘The last one was bad, but not this one. You get to be the big brother this time!’ he beamed with pride, having seen the most likely timelines to happen. He wanted the nuzzle and hug Havok so much, but instead let him be with the comfort of his most trusted friends.

“…..So, will the Queen like, have an egg as a human or like, have a baby as a dragon….???” Luminous’ question lulled up from nowhere, and silence fell over the four of them. Then, there was so much unbridled laughter, that even Voteil couldn’t stop himself from laughing as he floated into another dream.

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