
PANIA: That brat Kurogh still giving you the business, gaolach?
ATHRENNA: Nothing I can’t handle, as you well know, nosy fish.
PANIA: Nosy fish, eh? I’ve half a mind to kick Kurogh’s arse until he’s back in the shell and challenge you myself to be King.
ATHRENNA: Ahh, dear siren mine….you tempt me so!

MOD: So yeah, Pania and Athrenna were Mjia off and on after Athrenna arrived in Kurosia, and their flame reignited many years later after Burdohk was killed and the title of King was being fought over. Pania pretty much hated Kurogh from the second she met him (before Burdohk was killed) and will continue to subtly antagonize him during his reign.

When Athrenna dies, Pania takes the loss very hard. She eventually gets their pet name for one another, gaoloch, tattooed onto her scales in runes on the inside of her wrist. These tattoos are usually very painful and laborious, especially for an Ibarntang, but Pania is of the opinion that it was worth it.

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