In the egg guide, you said that Female Kuros usually have one egg their first time, then after they can have 5-7. But Feur seems to only have single eggs, is there a reason for this? Also it seems like most other Kuros are only having single clutches whenever anyone is mentioned laying eggs. Is this a retcon?

Actually, there is a reason for Feur! When Feur was with Kurogh, she had Voteil as her firstborn. Then, when Cynder’s clutch came around, there was a total of five. 

However with Kaos, he’s not a Kuros, or a dragon, or any creature who was ever allowed to have offspring with a Kuros. Havok was the first human/kuros hybrid in known Kurosian history, but he has some complications. Hysteria has even more complications all on her own (stunted growth, mutated hands hidden with magic). They both do yield powers normal Kuros could only dream of having, but they come at a price to both, and maybe even to the new clutch. There’s always a possibility Feur could have more than one egg at a time with Kaos, but it seems him being human, a strange one at that, is the cause of it. 

As for other Kuros, it’s more of single dragons being referenced and the assumption that there were more to a clutch (or they were a first). Usually in their bio’s they’ll mention if they have big families, were orphaned, etc. I tend not to mention a lot of siblings because they aren’t important enough to mention. Kuros can lay eggs every five years, and an average Kuros can live at least 200-400 (most Kuros wait until they’re at least over 100 before they start laying eggs, but it depends on their line of work). So a dragon can have dozens and dozens of offspring, a bit too many to list unless they’re key to a story or important to others.

~Weird Hyenas

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