Could a baby Yehk hypothetically be adopted and raised by a dragon family (who is either unaware of the Kuros or doesn’t judge races) and live a civilian dragon life? (sorry if this a repeat ask, I tried sending one like this in but the connection cut off)

No worries! I didn’t get an ask like this yet so thank you so very much for sending it again ;u; Cuz, good ask! >:D

Technically, they could! A baby Yehk isn’t perfect in it’s techniques, so while it’s possible, it’s very, very dangerous for them. They cannot feel love or the desire to have a family, so the baby would have to be pretty smart to mimic a whelp with normal emotions and instincts. If the baby stayed in it’s birth form, the Black Swords would be on them SO fast, and would probably be aware of them with the family if they don’t keep their heads low enough. Those Weres are very, very good with their job, unless outsiders are entangled in their business. That complicates things, but could make the baby’s escape from the family harder if the Swords got an eye on em.

But! Totally possible, and could be ideal survival conditions given that most Kuros cities and populations are gone! 

~Weird Hyenas

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