About Weirdlanders

“Weirdlanders” is a fan interpretation blog about Skylanders from the perspective of the villains! It’s something I didn’t plan to run for as long as it has, but thanks to the wonderful peeps that continue to drive my inspiration, it’s still goin’ strong!

The theme of this blog is more mature than the games, as it has dark themes such as death, violence, cursing, etc. This blog has all that cheesy, edgy goodness!

I of course do not claim the copyrighted characters as my own! I change backstories to blend them with my own additions. This blog mostly focuses on him and his family; The Lost Queen, his dragon partner he freed, and their kids Havok and Hysteria. However there are many characters, both original and canon characters from Skylanders, with their own plots and stories!


Kurosia is part of the original universe created by WeirdHyenas and Koof, which is slowly ongoing on being developed. There is currently no website with all the lore, but the Weirdlanders version of Kurosia is available!

There’s no rules to this persay, but this might just help some peeps out in figuring what and how to ask characters questions!

  • Include the name of the character you’re asking, or directly as the mod (me!). If the name isn’t included I often pick a char myself that I feel the question most applies to!
  • I do delete asks that I find offensive or too mature for this blog. Sometimes asks just don’t go through, but if you’re asking something that I think crosses the line, it will be ignored and deleted.
  • Replies can take months to reply to! I work a full time job, and currently dealing with an on-going medical scare with my husband. We’re on year two, and it’s been very stressful mentally, physically, and financially. Because of all these, some plotlines may take a while to get through. Please be understanding and patient of this while we try to figure things out.

If there are asks that you’re not sure have already been answered, try the tags! I do try to tag each answer, so try to type in the characters name and scroll through to see if they’ve already been answered!

Blog Rules

  • Please do not create accounts based on characters from this blog! The characters that I have created myself are not available for open roleplaying.


Mod/Artist – WeirdHyenas, animation graduate with a degree in animation doing freelance until I figure things out! There is a sister blog run by Koof that also posts content both canon and non-canon!