
Turns out, Hoot Loop was the cause of her phobia

Even tho Hoot Loop is based off a different species of owl, I always thought it would be freaky if he did the whole evil transforming owl thing 



Devine Havok doodles! FINALLY got around to drawing the rest of his body. His wings aren’t included because they’re freakn’ huge and would cover up so much. There will be other angles of him tho, once I get out of this strange art-block mood thing. I should probably lay down the lore of Devine Havok a bit >:D

This form of Havok only exists in the ‘bad future’ that Spyro must venture to in order to bring Kaos back to the present. He had kicked Kaos into a time portal, which had left Havok without a father as he grew. In the bad future, Havok has turned out almost insane; destroying most of skylands, killing most of the Skylanders only leaving a handful who are leading a rebellion, enslaved most of Skyland’s inhabitance to rebuild the fallen city of Kurosia, and dubbing himself king of all lands. He had done so due to his loyalty to the Kurosian Gods, who, after Havok proved himself, gave him a Devine form. Havok adapted the God of Revenge’s form, which took on his metal tail. This form could only be acquired when the Gods saw fit, but when he was in this form, he was indestructible. Giving him the ability to take down the Skylanders.



Voteil Kuroghvok

During Cynder’s stay within Kurosia, she was able to smuggle Kurosian books out for Hugo to read; allowing the Skylanders a peek into the Kuros as both a people, and villains. One book Cynder brought to him however, included information so detrimental to their fight against the Lost Queen that Hugo himself doesn’t have the heart to tell another soul.

It included detailed records of The Lost Queen, Feuriah, and her king Kurogh. Not just them, but also their offspring. The skylanders had only known of Cynder being the queen’s daughter, but upon reading, Hugo learned that Feuriah had a single egg before Cynder’s clutch; Her first born son, Voteil. Voteil Kuroghvok, a name translated to “Seafoam, Son of Kurogh” as males tended to be named after their sires. Named after the color of his eyes, Voteil was said to be energetic, ethusiastic, and overly attached to his mother. It was suggested that Voteil did not have a bonding relationship with his father, as evidence Kurogh apparently wanted another clutch right after Voteil’s birth. There were no such thing as princes, as Kurosian hierarchy was to be fought for and not inherited. Voteil had no breaths, only the ability to breathe a mist to hide himself. This apparently disappointed his father; however, it was not his only power. One his father apparently overlooked or saw no importance in, but his mother embraced it.

Voteil had soothsaying abilities. He could glimpse into future events, predict weather and fortune, see other dragon’s dreams and interpret their meanings, and sometimes spout prophecies. However soothsayers spend decades honing their abilities, and while young, their powers are highly uncontrolled. Voteil was said to stare off into the distance and speak in a voice much older than his own. Or, upon meeting someone new, would laugh at an event that had yet happen to them. Soothsayers are highly respected among Kurosians, but at such a young age are prone to being picked on. None the less, the records said Voteil was a bright child, eager to become a royal Soothsayer.

Questions had already began to arise as Hugo read further; where was this child now? He had passed the name to Cynder, who appeared disgruntled. She had seen a child within the castle, but only from a distance. When she tried to run up to it; it wouldn’t be there anymore. But it always seemed to be watching. Disturbed, Hugo asked Cynder to dig up more information if she could. It took her a while, but Cynder was able to convince one of the gargoyles to give her a diary of one of Feuriah’s wet-nurses. It was harder to translate, but Hugo was able to read it.

The dairy was fairly sweet; often depicting Feuriah’s warmth towards her son. The wet nurse would constantly have to shoo Feuriah back to her duties. The nurse was often creeped out by Voteil, for he would often predict her dreams and warn her not to eat certain things else she’d get sick. Even when she didn’t ask him to interpret anything for her. 

However, as the dates began to draw closure to Feuriah’s attack on the Skylanders, which resulted in her entombment, Voteil apparently began to act very strange. He would go into convulsions, cry, or wail about hearing screaming and and seeing fire. The child would have panic attacks, trying to warn the nurse about something bad about to happen. The nurse even jotted down quotes from Voteil,

“Fire, Fire! Everything’s on fire! Big figures towering over us, hitting! Blood! Betrayal, betrayal of the sickest sense, a curse! So much screaming! Red, everything is red! Make it stop, it hurts! My neck hurts so bad! Mommy!”

In which Voteil would then hide until his mother would return from her duties. 

These attacks would happen more often the closure the date got. Until the day of. The final entry to the dairy. The wet nurse had to watch the child the entire day, as the Queen desired a personal meeting with the king. Voteil did nothing but hide in his room, muttering to himself. When the nurse would try to talk to him, he would only beg her to keep the doors shut tight. It apparently made her job easier, as she also had to check on Feuriah’s second clutch as well. When Feuriah’s meeting ended, she apparently and to leave right away to ‘retrieve supplies from an out source island”. At the mention of this, Voteil went berserk; begging his mother not to go and that betrayal was at hand. But Feuriah took her son into another room; away from the wet nurse. When they returned, Voteil still looked frightened, but allowed his mother to leave. The wet nurse was commanded to keep watch over him and the eggs while she was gone. 

After the last paragraph, nothing was written. The nurse often kept detailed descriptions of how her work shifts would end, but there was nothing. Hugo compared his new findings with his notes, and discovered that Feuriah’s supply trip was her way of sneaking out to meet up with Eon and ask for his help to rebel against Malefor. A week later, Feuriah returned appearing battle worn and lost in fury. Whatever had silenced Kurosia had happened the night Feuriah met with Eon. And her son, Voteil, had predicted it. 

No matter what she did, Cynder could not find anything else to give Hugo. She dared ask her mother about Voteil, but the queen grew angry and refused to speak of it. Not wanting to risk her place in Kurosia, Cynder could not ask much more. Hugo wouldn’t bring himself to tell her why he wanted to know, especially when he wasn’t sure what happened to Voteil.

A part of him didn’t want to know.

~Weird Hyenas


Skylanders : Awakening 

I’ve been wanting to try out a different inspired comic, so I’m trying my hand at the Lost Queen’s story. Feuriah’s Dawn was fun and all but… my inspirations have changed a bit, and I like her story in Skylanders a lot more. Feuriah’s Dawn isn’t cancelled just um… I dunno

So here’s the first three ‘pages’ of the comic! The title is a working title, and for the first part, it’ll be structured like a storybook. 

Also yes, the dragon on the right in the first page is Cynder’s father, Kurogh (pronounced Kuu-rogue or Kuu-rogg)

Weird Hyenas