Can Kurosians have facial/bodily piercings and modifications to their horns? (Decorative holes, carvings, etc.) and do they have any of their own body modification trends?

Oh totally! Some have more meaning than others, but body modifications are very common. You usually see Kuros decorating themselves for festivals and celebrations the most, doing as far as draining their colors, adding colors, etc. Here’s some~

  • Kuronium Carving – A Brokt tradition of carving live bone such as horns, tale spades, etc. which can be very, very painful. The bone can appear different colors by carving crevices deeper and carving with unique tools that can make the bone reflect and appear different colors (this technique is the most painful and most don’t go this far; older Brokt often do). Dyes and stains are also used, but aren’t permanent. Holes be included!
  • Kuronium Piercings/Modifications – While only Shire are naturally born with Kuronium markings, it’s common for other Kuros to get markings welded to their scales (or, embedded depending on scale type of individual). These vary in size and are done for cosmetic purposes the most. 

    Precious jewels and metals of all kinds are often melded to a dragons horns and scales. Dragons that often loose scales will have false ones put in.

    Brokt, being the hardcare Kuros they are, also have piercings that go through nostrils, jaws, wings, and through tails. 

  • Scale Carving – Similar to horn carving, some Kuros have their scales meticulously carved with patterns, runes, etc. These can be painted during ceremonies to really make a dragon pop out.
  • Gifting – Dragons will sometimes remove parts of themselves to give to other dragons. Bits of horns, feathers, fur, braids woven into the manes of others, etc. In the same sense, many dragons do this to honor fallen friends, family, idols, etc. with their remains.
  • Scale Polishing – Wealthier dragons with servants and slaves will often have them polish their scales. Polishing them sometimes with spells such as glittered, non-reflective, glow in the dark, oil-slick, etc types.
  • Color Draining – Often done for Mahourian festivals, or Skydances that require coordination. These spells last only a few hours if that, but they drain every pigment in a dragon’s scales and membranes. 

Is it even possible for a Brokt to mate with a Allus? Like, are there any mixes between the two breeds?

What happens when two different breeds produce offspring is that they can be one of the breeds, but also have crossover traits. Some traits carry over, such as bulkiness, featherish shaped wings, double tipped tails, etc.  Here is the list of the current crossable traits! It’s still a work in progress 8,D

~Weird Hyenas

I wonder, how did Athrenna specifically feel for Feuriah? In that recent story of what if they’d fight for Queenship, Athrenna said that she saw Feur as neither daughter nor a lover. So what was she to her?

Athrenna saw her as her protege of sorts, though she didn’t officially take her under her wing and raise her herself. She left Feuriah to her own devices and only helped a little here and there when she thought Feur earned it. Gifting her hard to get college books and scrolls (Kruta would give her these, but keeping the fact that Athrenna told him to out of it) whenever she passed a difficult test, approving her access to better living quarters than a Kuros of her rank normally would when she performed extremely well during battles, etc. Though, Feur had to earn her spot on Athrenna’s personal guard the hard way, just like all others. Athrenna wanted to push Feur, and the more she bounced back with a stronger sense of determination, the more Athrenna felt like she possibly had someone worth taking her throne if she died.

Feuriah made it pretty clear that she didn’t intend to challenge her for it though. She was loyal to Athrenna and her goal in life was to take a spot as her personal guard, and be there to take her place when she died (except in the context of that story lmao). The fact that Feur had a bit of a crush on her amused Athrenna though, which was why she often teased her about it. She didn’t see her as a possible Mja (girlfriend), nor a daughter. But a loyal friend that had her back 🙂 Athrenna was just pretty quiet about it~

~ Weird Hyenas