Character List

Character List

The listing below has short descriptions the characters in Weirdlanders, as well as “Weirdlanderized” Skylanders. Feel free to ask about those you don’t see on the list!

The Evil Empire – The Highest power in all evil, ruled by the Lost Queen and Kaos. Based at the heart of all evil, Kurosia, Kaos and his Queen control vast dark territories and forces, slowly eliminating others claiming their title. Has the most dangerous collective of Villains known to Skylands, and is the Skylanders top enemy.

Royal Family

  • The Lost Queen (Feuriah) – The last Queen of the Kuros, Feuriah is a black and purple dragoness partnered with Kaos. She is ferocious in her fight against the Skylanders, but a loving mother to her children, and a trusted Queen of her evil subjects. Once ruled all of the Kuros, until Malefor massacred her city. In a fit of rage she attacked the Skylanders, which prompted Eon to freeze her in emeralds. 100 years later, Kaos frees her, and she has worked with him since.
  • Kaos – a dwarfed human with evil portal master abilities. Once seen as a joke villain, Kaos now rules as the highest dark power among the villains beside his Lost Queen. Father to Havok and Hysteria, Kaos is determind to ensure that his family rules and is feared for centuries to come.
  • Glumshanks : Kaos’ butler, although considered ‘in retirement’. Glumshanks is a close friend to the Queen and tender to the family, though his abused days are behind him after Feuriah took most of Kaos attention. He is responsible for all the servants of the castle, and teaches at the Empire’s college/schools.
  • Havok – Firstborn son of the Lost Queen and Kaos, Havok is a half human, half dragon hybrid. Feared for his brutality and love of death and destruction, yet popular among women as an attractive villain.
  • Hysteria – An 11 year old in a one foot body, Hysteria possesses unfathomable dark powers. Giving her a god-complex, Hiss has an army of hand-made chimera Vultures, but she is known for her ability to plague those with insanity and mind games.
  • Viril – The first son of DizzyDoodle (LizzyDizzyDoodle original character) and Grim Creeper. Born with a black, tar like substance oozing out of his hand, Viril was cursed with a darkness that led his father to hide it and feel shamed. After an incident where he accidentally harms Grim with the ink, which had an acid like effect, he is found by the Lost Queen. Eventually Viril abandons his family to join the Kaos Family, and sticks with Havok. Havok considers him a brother.
  • ??????? – The mysterious Third Egg.
  • Voteil – Feuriah’s firstborn son who died during The Fall, attempting to save Cynder’s egg from the massacre. His spirit lingers in the castle, helping the Kaos Family whenever he can from the sidelines.

Allied Members

  • Chef Pepper Jack – Once a Doom Raider, Jack switched sides after being captured by the Skylanders during the events of Trap Team. He was convinced to switch by Feuriah during her own capture, and has been fiercly loyal to her after she and her forces save Jack from an attack led by Knight Light. Is considered a very close family friend and a father figure to both Havok and Hysteria. Works as the Royal Cheif.
  • Dr. Krankcase – A crazed yet genius engineer that works with a harmful green goo substance. Able to create life with wooden creatures. Once worked for the Golden Queen as one of her trusted Doom Raiders, but switched sides after witnessing her cruelty to Havok during his capture. He had attempted to heal the hybrid when Wolfgang cut off his tail, and after helping hand Havok over alive was asked to join the Evil Empire. He had Jack held a close friendship, and with Jack’s encouragement, he has since happily worked them.
  • Luminous – A light elemental star who once sought to destroy all Darkness, not caring if it meant killing anyone that stood in his way. Luminous was convinced to join the Evil Empire after a battle with Havok, who charmed him to not fear the Darkness, but own it. Since, he has stuck by Havok’s side. Though, he only takes orders from him.


  • Hysteria’s Vultures – the race of chimeras that worship Hysteria like a Goddess. Most are born with Bearded Vulture heads on Griffin like bodies, mix matched with different creature parts.
    • Vayn – Hysteria’s main Vulture who is absolutely obsessed with her. Always seen with her, letting her stand on his head when she wants to feel taller. Every waking moment he lives for his Goddess; which seems to annoy her. A mix match of Vulture, Griffin, and Crocodile.
    • Envii – Beta vulture, but the most vicious. Enjoys taring and ripping flesh apart, and won’t hesitate to if Hysteria commands it. Mix match of Vulture, Griffin and Striped Hyena.
    • Skorn – The most chill of the three, Skorn is mute and is often found sleeping. Can be seen as the most friendly, but won’t blink at an order given by his Goddess. Mix Match of Vulture, Mule Deer and Panther.
  • Jade Flashwing – The evil side of Flashwing. Hysteria had corrupted her, and possessed her to break nearly all the Villains out of the Skylander’s vault after the events of Trap Team. Knight Light and Spotlight team up to destroy the darkness plaguing Flashwing’s mind, but in doing so seperated Flashwing from her evil self. Jade escaped, and joined Hysteria.
  • The Lost Queen’s Gargoyles – After returning to Kurosia 100 post The Fall, the Queen needed her own army. Gargoyles were once used as stone, semi-sentient walking journals, but weaponized to become minions. They have the ability to speak, but have no sense of self or personality as they can only recall the memories implanted into them. Most are only used for minion purposes, but those that still hold memories of Kurosia are kept within the castle. Medical gargoyles also populate the medical wing and are thin, marbled creatures that most are afraid of.
  • Greebles : The most populated minions to the Evil Empire. Joined the empire when Kaos bought enough of them, but more have enlisted as the Empire grew.
  • Trolls : Another force of minions taking up the Empire’s forces, but not very bright. Often used to overwhelm enemies with their sheer numbers than their fighting abilities.
  • Drow : A subspecies of Elf once native to Kurosia, but fled into Skylands after the Fall. Most have returned and are the most effective minions in the Empire’s arsenal.
  • Evilkins – Wooden, sentient monsters with a thirst for destruction. Created by Dr.Krankcase and his goo.
  • Petrified Darkness– Rather a material mined in Kurosia, it is a crystal that grows within the Kurosian mountains. When combined with another sentient creature, it can turn them into beastly, monstrous evil creatures. Those effected seem to naturally want to serve Kuros.

Other Villains – Those not allied with the Empire, or considered enemies/wanted by them.

  • Golden Queen – Most wanted enemy of the Evil Empire, the Golden Queen turned on the family during the events of Trap Team. Kaos had gone solo and attempted to command her and her Doom Raiders, but when he’s turned to gold, Havok’s tail cut off by Wolfgang, Feuriah turned to gold and Hysteria gone missing; Kaos turns to the Skylanders to save his family. Eventually they are all captured by the Skylanders, some freed by Jade Flashwing and Havok. The stronger the Evil Empire grew, the less places Goldie and her remaining Doom Raiders had to hide. Fearing capture, Goldie, Dreamcatcher, and Wolfgang turn themselves in to be trained as Sensei.
  • Wolfgang – Second most wanted by the Empire. Wolfgang is responsible for cutting off Havok’s tail during the Trap Team plotline, which throws the hybrid into months worth of infected suffering. He is bloodthirsty and cruel, but after becoming a sensei has dialed it back to keep face. Havok continues to seek him out, attacking to kill. During his time as a sensei, he created an Imaginator named Howleryeen, a musically inclined werehyena with a voice for metal in mind. However, Howleryeen hates fighting and singing metal; he prefers acting in stageplays and singing beautifully. Wolfgang actively talks down to Howler, which slowly turned the Imaginator towards crazed violence and villainy.
  • Howleryeen – A tortured Imaginator on the run from Skylands. While he still views himself a Skylander, he had snapped and attacked several mabu after a failed performance. Since, he continues to audition to shows only to burn them down when they refuse him, not seeing the wrongdoings of his actions.

The Skylanders
Weirdlanders OC Skylanders

  • Headshot – An undead centaur lacking any semblance of social skills. Enthusiastic about bones, especially skulls, which led him to kill innocents for them during his life. After being killed, his desire for bones brought him back to haunt the centaur town. Skylanders were brought in to defeat him, but he was easily persuaded to join the side of good. He is heavily avoided by most of the Skylanders, as he tends to be overly complimentive on ones bone structure.
  • Gattle’bat – A seemingly emotionless, or constantly chill fruit bat with a knack for engineering and guns; his favorite being his Gatling Gun. While he joined the Skylanders to help out with maintenance, he eventually took part in helping defend the Academy with a handmade Gatling gun. After becoming a Skylander with said gun, he began smoking a cigar simply because someone suggested he’d ‘complete the look’ with one.
  • Cherry Bomb – [character being rewritten]
  • Roundup – [character being rewritten]
  • Pearl –  a sea dragon raised by Wash Buckler when her egg was accidentally pulled out of a fishing net. Born on a pirate ship, Pearl is fearless, persistent and thirsty for adventure. Is often commissioned by the Skylanders to help them sail seas when Flynn can’t.
  • Sapphyre – A satyr Imaginator assigned to Dr.Krankcase during his time as a spy for the Empire, posing as a sensei. Obnoxious but fiercely loyal and good with her guns, working well with Krank until his eventual betrayal. Upon his leaving, Sapphyre has never recovered from it and on the verge of switching sides as to work for her sensei once more. However, her good heart keeps her among friends.
  • Aquarrow – A female Kingfisher Imaginator with a fierce knowledge of her bow. Having had King Pen as her sensei kept her on a narrow path to the light, which eventually came to help Sapphyre cope with Krankcase’s betrayal. The two are close friends and sisters in arms.

Weirdlanderized Canon Skylanders

  • Spyro – A young adult purple dragon seen as Eon’s secondhand, Spyro continues the legend of the purple dragons. He was hatched by Eon after finding the egg among a pile of gems. After becoming a Skylander, Spyro was told of a land far away in danger of a “Terror of the Skies” monster. When Spyro returned from his mission months later, he returned with Cynder in his wake. Both couldn’t remember what happened, although Cynder seems to remember far more than Spyro does. The Undead King was revealed to Skylands by Cynder, but said that she and Spyro had killed him. The two were close friends, until Cynder left the Skylanders to join her mother, the Lost Queen. Even after her return, Spyro has had a hard time trusting her again, and the two bicker often about how to handle the war the the Evil Empire. Spyro had been mauled by the Queen and is constantly hunted by her, giving him a near zero tolerance for ‘changing’ her mind against war. Spyro continues to battle the Queen and protecting Skylands.
  • Cynder – A kurosian dragon once a slave to Malefor, the Undead Dragon King, who had been attempting to regain access to the land of the living. Her egg had been stolen during Malefor’s attack on Kurosia, which had killed him in the process. Cynder was hatched nearly 80 years later, taken over by Malefor as he attempted to climb back to the living. Cynder only remembers flickers of her past as Malefor had controlled her, only waking when Spyro freed her from his control. She had helped kill him, and wanting to redeem herself she join the Skylanders. Upon learning that the Lost Queen was her mother, Cynder attempted to rejoin her to learn of where she came from. But her loyalty to the Skylanders and sense of justice forced her to betray her mother’s plans. Feuriah marked her a traitor, so any Kuros could sense it and know she was not welcomed back to Kurosia. Since, Cynder has lobbied hard to try and negotiate a way to help her mother bring the Gods back and restore the city. She is still a highly respected Skylander and a pro adviser when it comes to the tactics of the Empire. Stubborn, off-putting, but warm once she opens up. Partnered with Pop Thorn.
  • Pop Thorn – A Pufferthorn dragon who had joined the Skylanders to help protect Skylands. Kind, warm, quick to love and friendly, but once angered can unleash a blizzard of sharp, exploding spines from his back. He isn’t afraid to fight and can be fearsome, all while keeping his gentle personality. Pop Thorn is one of the few that never doubted Cynder or her loyalty, admiring her for her elegance and skill, and strong belief that even her mother, the most evil dragon in Skylands (to the Skylanders) could be saved, and that she wants to save her. Cynder had grown to love him for this, as he supported her fearlessly and backed her whenever he could. Is always there to support Cynder during especially trying times.
  • Krypt King – An undead Kurosian Dragon Hunter. The Arkeyans once hunted Kuros for their bones, but after nearly being wiped out by them they were thought long gone. Krypt had been killed by a Kuros who had trapped his essence into a Blood Gem, using him as a power-source for centuries. Eventually the gem was shattered, and Krypt went out to find his body to possess. Having been freed by the Skylanders, Krypt joined them in gratitude. He is often called upon when the Lost Queen is attacking, as he is trained to hunt her kind. During her capture, he was her guard. The two have a special disdain for each other.
  • Flashwing – A kind, understanding gem dragon who had fallen from space. Once overly vain, Flashwing had made the mistake of underestimating Hysteria. She was infected with a ‘seed’ of the mind, something that grew over five years until Hysteria could fully control her. She was used to sneak into the villain vault and free all the villains, giving most to Havok while others were lost or escaped on their own. After this, she was imprisoned, until Knight Light and Spotlight combined their powers to banish Hysteria’s grip on her. Doing so separated Jade Flashwing from her, the ‘seed’ she had planted, and once she had defeated her Flashwing was allowed back into the Skylanders. Since, she has learned to look away from the mirror.
  • Grim Creeper – married to Dizzy Doodle (LizzyDizzyDoodle OC), and father to Mimic, Viril, Whisper and . After Viril turned on him during his and Dizzy’s wedding, Grim has sworn to be the one to kill Feuriah for corrupting his (at the time) only son. He has continued this hatred for years, coming close many times to succeeding with the Queen, he is waiting to invoke his revenge in full.

Cameo Characters – Characters from other creators and blogs that have ties to Weirdlanders.

  • Whisper – Belonging to LizzyDizzyDoodle, is the daughter of Grim Creeper and Dizzy Doodle. An undead being able to shift into a gentle, kind bunny like lady. She works in the medical wing of the Academy under a rather grumpy but talented doctor. She is the only sibling from Viril’s old family that still would see him after his attack at their parents wedding. Whilst the Trap Team attack, Havok was brought in to be saved from his infected tail stump. Whisper had been the only one to help him, saving his life and getting to know him some. She had feared him immensely her whole life, but he had shown her a kindness. She eventually began dating Knight Light, the light elemental Skylander, though news of a third egg being born is bringing out a darkness among the Skylanders that is bringing Whisper to fear.
  • Vevinna – Also belonging to LizzyDizzyDoodle and also created the breed, is a Fiosioc Kurosian dragon with a wealth of sass and elegance. One of Athrenna’s closest Mja (girlfriends) in her harem during her reign. A highly respected war planner that continued to serve under Feuriah. The two often let their children play when Kurogh was away. It is unclear what happens to Vevinna after the Fall.


  • King Kurogh
  • Asiirha
  • Queen Athrenna & King Burdohk
  • Kruta
  • Raigur’ja
  • Yahvii
  • Nimsain

The Black Swords – The Black Swords are a group of Kurosian God Slayers that hunt a specific kind of deity; The Yehkshir. They are a highly secretive group that is widely thought to not exist. Made up of cursed creatures with Werewolf like qualities.

  • Nikolios – Leader of the BlackSwords, a werehyena born and raised in the life. Once partnered with December, who had passed away during the final skirmish with Yahvii.
  • December
  • Rashida
  • Jacklynn “November”

Misc Characters – Random characters

  • The Guardians (Infernacus, Acerbus, etc.)
  • Aurora
  • Nixus