Kuros Breeds, Cross Breed Guide, Hybrids, Species

The Kuros, pronounced “Kuu-roh-s”are an ancient species of Dragon. Each is born with a strong connection to the Darkness in all Realms. Created by the Goddess of Darkness, Mahoura, the Kuros carry out the dark side of the Balance. They rule all of Kurosia, communing with their Gods, and striking fear upon all that whisper their name. There were once thousands of these dragons inhabiting their own continent shrouded in dark magiks, but as the centuries marched by, more and more of their cities and villages crumbled. All flocked to the heart of Kurosia, protected by the Veil of Darkness and the Guardian God within it, Briethonakt, until it was the final city standing.

Kuros are also unique for their bone structures made of “Kuronium”, a strong yet natural organic metal that is heavily sought after. It is the strongest metal known to the Realms, but only the Kuros know how to properly smith it. Depending on the dragon’s element, their bones may have resistance against that element. Each breed may even have varying strength, color, and ease of smithing.

When a Kuros is born, it is only one breed. It is not always that they will be the same breed as their parents, though that is most likely. Grandparents and Great Grandparents’ breeds will sometimes appear in later clutches.

While they are identified as one breed, they can often have some features of other breeds if their bloodline has crossed-bred. Each breed has something unique to them only, but some traits can carry over.


(Pronounced “Fee-oh-shock”) are furred Kuros more commonly found in the coldest reaches of the Kurosian mountains. Fairly common, as few villages were raided and most migrated to Kurosia for safety. One of the smallest species, the Fio are poor fighters and rarely are contracted to mate with other breeds besides their own and most often become farmers, herders, orphanage teachers, bakers, shop keepers, and other more common jobs.

Key Defining features : Fur. Fiosioc are able to grow fur along their bodies, able to be
completely covered with fur. It is most commonly placed from the head, neck, chest, legs, wings and tail.
Markings : Single tone like the Allus
Kuronium Qualities : Moderate weight, tend to have Ice/Cold resistant properties
Breed Feeding Habits : Omnivore
Size : Smallest breed, but hardy
Breed Specific Gods :

Cross Breed Traits :

  • Fiosioc Only traitspheonixfoxblood24_
    • Snout to tail coverage of fur
    • Density and effectiveness of fur against cold climates
  • Cross Bred Traits
    • Fur may be passed to another breed in lesser quantities

Trivia :

  • Breed was created by LizzyDizzyDoodle


(Pronounced “Ah-LOOSE”) They are the most common of the Kuros, with distinctive jet black markings. Like all Kuros, each dragon’s markings are different. They are the most adaptive breed, once populating every corner of Kuroisa. They are most receptive of cross breeding traits, and are known as the second best flyers behind the Yinvaht.

Key Defining features : Slim bodies with the ability to adapt over few generations
Markings : Commonly dark patterns, able to cover major parts of the body. May also have colored markings as well.
Kuronium Qualities : Easiest type of Kuronium to smith depending hybridity
Breed Feeding Habits : Omnivore, prefers meat but can live without for long periods
Size : Second smallest breed, wingspans and tail length can vary
Breed Specific Gods :

Cross Breeding Traits :

  • Allus Only Traits
    • Adaptability : Allus are able to adapt to environments better than other breeds adapted to specific environments. Their scales can harden faster, resist cold or blazing heat (over spans of 10-15 years, allowing groups of Allus to live in dangerous environmenUntitled-2ts and adapt to them).
    • Receptive of Hybrid Traits : As part of their adaptability, Allus are more likely to have traits belonging to other breeds in their bloodline. Allus that are able to grow fur due to Fio traits can be born with fur if their environment is cold enough, etc)
  • Cross Breed Traits
    • Colored Markings
    • Small Size – most offspring born from an Allus tend to stay smaller than other breed averages (except Fio)



The Shire are known as or ‘royal’ type of Kuros. They can be
identified by their markings, which have Kuronium growths around them.
They are the only breed of Kuros that have these types of markings. a13jandro0169_Adopt.pngThe name Shire comes from Kurosian lore about the Yehkshir (See Kurosian
Mythology). Despite their royal names, the Shire are one of the smallest
of the Kurosian breeds, but are quite common in Kurosia, along
with the Allus and Brokt.

Key Defining features : Kuronium markings along scales and body
Kuronium Qualities : Best for Jewelry
Breed Feeding Habits : Omnivore, but favors seafood
Size : Medium – Shire and Yinvaht are thought of to be ‘average’ sized for Kuros
Breed Specific Gods :

Cross Breed Traits :

  • Shire Only Traits 
    • External Kuronium growth markings
  • Cross Breed Traits
    • Kuronium on or around chest plates


(Pronounced “Yinn-vaah-t”) is a feathered Kuros. Yinvaht were said to have been given feathers by the deity Bhailiu itself. They are typically slender framed with their feathers found around their head, wings, or tails, but can be covered snout to tail. It’s commonly believed that they are linked to the air element, but it’s actually not true. Their elemental
abilities can range drastically, but they are the fastest flyers. Yinvaht comes from the term “Yinvatoh”, which means “Feather”.

Key Defining Features : Feathers
Markings : Commonly dark patterns
Kuronium Qualities : Lightest of the metals
Breed Feeding Habits : Omnivore with preference for fruits
Size : Medium (Average, tend to have longer necks)
Breed Specific Gods : Bhailiu


Cross Breed Traits :Untitled-4

  • Yinvaht only Traits
    • Feathers
  • Cross Breed Traits
    • Elegant, slender frame
    • Long necks & tails



The Urlathei are one of the strangest breeds among Kuros; besides Seuths. They appear insect like, but are all dragon. Chitin like scales cover their bodies with leathery exposed sections in their joints, and an intricate skull allowing for their horns to move, and give bites twice the power. There are a few traits this breed carries that only they can have; mandibles, and hive throats. Two dangerous attributes, but they come at a price. This breed can not breathe elements, such as fire, wind, shadow, etc. While they lack a breath, their hive throats can bare insects with elemental abilities for them.

Key Defining features : Cretin like scales, still dragon with flesh and bone underneath the scales, mandibles, 3/4 claws on feet, flexible main horns, lock-jaw bite, transparent wing membranes, stunted split tail, insect spitting/hive throats, black sclera
Markings : Born without markings, but scales have a speckled tone to them. Can have color.
Kuronium Qualities : Most difficult to smith, heads often kept in one piece to be re-used
Breed Feeding Habits : Omnivore, prefers vegetation
Size : Medium-Large
Breed Specific Gods : Urlathein – A God killed by Mahoura when he created the Urlathei against her wishes. Most Urla pray to Bruja’heim, the God of Revenge.

Cross Breed Traits :

  • Urlathei Only traits
    • Lock-Jaw bite
    • Mandables
    • Full-body chatin scales
    • Hive throats with insects
  • Cross Breed Traits
    • Chatin like scales in sections
    • Bug like patterns on wings
    • Split tail
    • Empty neck sack
    • Black sclera
    • Uneven number of claws
    • Antennae


  • The name “Urlathei” is a mixture of translated words, roughly translating to ‘Vomiting Insects’
  • The Urla have more reverb tones to their voices, though it’s usually higher pitched where the Brokt have deeper tones. This makes the Urla’s roars high pitched, trilling screeches.


(EHB-airn-TAUNG) are the only species of Kuros known that live
most of their lives underwater, and even going so far as to have a kingdom
under the seas bordering Kurosia. They are among the most numerous,
and secretive of the Kuros. While they still are an active part of Kurosian
culture and worship the same gods, the Ibarntang have customs and even
an entire language all their own. They are also among the few who have
had the most dealings with non-Kuros dragons, due to sharing their waters
with the Water elemental dragons that call Warfang and other non-Kurosian
territories home.

Key Defining Features :
Markings :
Kuronium Qualities :
Breed Feeding Habits :
Size : Small-Large
Breed Specific Gods : Araudan

Cross Breeding Traits 

  • Ibarntang Only Traits
  • Cross Breed Traits

Triva : Breed created by Koofins


The most ‘unflattering’ breed of Kuros, the Craolig are thin, long dragons with bulbous heads mostly made up of their eyes. Despite their comical appearance, these Kuros are not to be messed with. Due to their thin finger-like claws and thin frames, Craolig are notorious as the stealthy Kuros. They can move silently and even turn their eyes jet black to help themselves sink into darkness. However, Craolig are not very strong and heavily depend on the element of surprise and their dubious wit to be victorious.

Craolig are commonly associated with the element of Shadow, a close kin of Darkness. Of course there are Craolig with other abilities, but they are commonly shadow elementals. Dousing themselves in their own darkness, or they can envelope the shadows/darkness around them to help hide their bodies. Craolig are impeccably fast, agile, graceful but silent. They can move in a beautiful mesmerizing fashion, or strike fear into their prey’s hearts by moving fast and twitchy.

Key Defining Features : Long whip-like tails and thin necks with large bulbous eyes. Most Craolig do not have tail spades unless crossbred. Small but tapered fingers that are the most useful for crafting where most Kuros have claws too large for such tasks. Sharp wings that ‘whistle’ at certain speeds.
Markings : Two toned markings, often in blotchy pattern like shapes instead of markings.
Kuronium Qualities : Light, Craolig bones do not tend to weigh much and are often very thin. Craolig bones are often used for building, tools, equipment, but not often for armor. Despite being thin, it is tough to smith. Craolig tend to donate their bones to places that are in need of such items.
Breed Feeding Habits : Craolig tend to have a very rich diet, preferring delicacies. As they don’t have strong biting or chewing abilities, soft foods and deserts are their favorite.
Size : Large
Breed Specific Gods :

Cross Breeding Traits :

  • Craolig Only Traits
    • Ability to drain colors : Craolig have the ability to dull their own secondary colors, as well as change their eye color to black. They cannot change the color of their Kuronium.
  • Craolig Cross Bred Traits 
    • Larger than normal eyes
    • Bulbous head
    • Long thin necks
    • Razored wing shapes

Trivia :

  • Craolig are based off of the Blunt Headed Tree Snake ; yes, they’re real snakes, and they’re majestic.
  • Despite both being strange breeds, the Urla and Craolig are very competitive. Both have a lot to prove in order to gain honor and status, but Craolig tend to be smarter than their bug like kin. The Urla are often thought of as ‘jealous’ that the Craolig have had handfuls of king and queens, while the Urla have yet to.


Brokt (Pronounced with a rolling R) means “Of the Earth”, and are largest of the breeds. They have thicker scales, bulk, immense physical strength and the heaviest of bones. They are best at mining, blacksmithing, construction, and fighting. They make up most of the Kurosian army due to their strength and resilience.

Brokt are known as being the most brutal of the breeds, even in their lifestyle. Brokt villages often line the mountains in hard to penetrate fortresses and are greatly avoided due to their defenses, but they are also known as being the roughest, most unfriendly villages to live in even for other Kuros. Many festivals and traditions specific to the breed involve contests displaying feats of strength, ability to withstand pain, drinking and eating. The tradition of ‘bone carving’ was born from the Brokt, where dragons will smith their own tail spades, horns, etc. with patterns or additions. This is extremely painful, however, and most other breeds cannot handle the pain.

Key Defining Features : Immense bulk and sheer size, often dwarfing other breeds. There is little to no difference between male and female Brokt, as females can grow facial hair and have deep, male like voices. Brokt voices have a constant growl underneath as they speak, giving them an intimidating rumble and the loudest roars. Brokt hair/fur is very coarse, stiff, and straw like.
Markings : Single tone, often simple black markings not unlike most other breeds.
Kuronium Qualities : The heaviest (although light compared to other non-organic metals) Kuronium of the breeds, but the most durable. Their bones are most likely used for armor/war purposes.
Breed Feeding Habits : This breed may eat a lot, but can go longer periods without food or water. However they seem to be some of the most creative breeds when it comes to food dishes, often using spices only found within the mountain caves. This breed is known for eating rocks for digestive issues (or, just to intimidate others).
Size : Massive (largest breed)
Breed Specific Gods : Wunjabrot – God of Blacksmithing

Cross Breeding Traits : 

  • Brokt Only Traits :
    • Sheer size – while other breeds may have the muscle and body type of a Brokt, they cannot gain the largest sizes.
  • Brokt Cross Bred Traits :
    • Large and or bulky body type
    • Straw-like, rough hair
    • Thick/Heavy scales
    • Female facial hair/male tone of voice

Trivia :

  • The most famous Kuros, “Scarmane”, was a Brokt that lived nearly a thousand years. She was the largest known Brokt to ever live, being in hundreds of wars.

As Kuros are one of the most ancient species of dragon known to Skylands,
there are countless subspecies that have evolved from them (To be Added)

  • Yoldahr ( Pronounced “Yol-dare”) are a wyvern subspecies. Known to have had clans deep within the
    Kurosian mountains. These wyverns tend to have more of a snake-like appearances with retractable,
    poisonous fangs. The markings along the Yoldahr’s body have an engraved appearance to them. Reclusive
    in nature, and highly aggressive. Were never known to commune with the Kuros villages and cities, but
    rather kept to themselves among the mountains hunting Uka and other unfortunate prey. || More Detail & Visual ||

  • The Kirins – Kirins are the hybrid offspring of a Kuros and an Umbracorn. Each Kirin has a different
    look to them, but they are known for having fowl tempers and smelling of fire. || Kirin Postings ||

Descendant Species

  • Suan’Moch, “The Dream Dragons” – (Suu-on-maw-k) Dragons rumored to be descendants of the Kurosian
    species, but lacking the kuronium bones. The species are legend to have been created by the Kurosian
    Goddess of Nightmares, Suancae’Meith. The only known dream dragon of this kind is the Skylander,
    Blackout, and his ex-clan The Dark Stygian.

Fan Breeds – Breed created and owned by you wonderful peoples! If a fan-kuros is created as a fan-breed, please credit the original creator of the breed, as well as myself as the originator of the Kuros, thank you!