
so, these are embarrassing to post, but why not.

Havok took FOREVER to design. Literally, months. but every time I tried I HATED how he looked. Finally, after some help from a few friends, I found the look I wanted ❤ But holy hell these are awful 

Final Kid Havok
Adult Havok



The Last Stand

I felt that I needed more concept art for my portfolio as well. So here we have an idea I’ve been dwelling on for a ‘Skylander’ boss fight with “Devine Havok”; or rather Havok in a dragon form. A form granted to him by the Kurosian gods to aide him in his evil plots to destroy Earth and enslave Skylands. In the final battle, the player would have to defeat him in his regular form and enraged, more beasty form, before finally getting to his massive, Devine form. 

Planning on coloring this in a more painterly style :>


Skylanders Feuriah! Thanks to ShaloneSk’s design, I’ve had doodle fever during my classes! Great distractions from the crazy amount of stress @.@

Finally got ahold of a copy of the original Skylanders, so finally I can play it and get a better understanding of it. I still dislike it for many reasons (mostly dealing with Activision…ugh), but not for the game itself. Gotta say I’m pretty excited 🙂

As for Feuriah in Skylanders, I’ve decided that instead of being all nice and motherly like she is in FD, she’s nasty and evil, and a queen to boot. I’ve also decided to continue with the old crack pairing that Razz and I did a while back, so Feur and Kaos end up being an item ;D As for Cynder being their kiddo, that’s unclear. The joke is still there tho, muwahaha! 

Its going to take me a while to actually get a good skylanders style x.o