Born like the rest, broken then molded into something she was never meant to be. Without her Fury abilities, born an Ice dragon like her father, she was given the name Acerna to compliment Acerbus, and his mother Aspurna. Acerbus had dreamed of being a father, but was a poor one. Controlling, manipulative, Acerna was forced to uphold her father’s impossible standards to be his trophy child to parade. All hopes and dreams of independence, a life for her to mold and lead, was smashed as a child. Becoming a distant, cold, indifferent adult training to be Acerbus’ replacement in the Guardian’s circle. 

Okay THIS was fun 😀 Imaging Feur hatching as an ice dragon instead of a fury elemental Kuros was different but kinda heartbreaking too. Acerbus always wanted to be a father for the worst reasons, not to have something to love but to have something to love him, to build up honor for him more then them. He wouldn’t be the worst father, just not a good one. 

I would like to think that she does eventually break from Acerbus’ mental hold on her thanks to Ignitus when she’s training to possibly become a Guardian, and thanks to him awakening the stubborn fight in her she drops out and follows another career of HER choosing. And this may just be the trash in me but I kinda like the idea that in this AU, her and Ignitus would be a thing. Could yall just imagine Acerbus’ anger 8,D

I kept her design close to Acerbus’, but still nodding to Yahvii’s disguise. I don’t know who her mother would be, not Yahvii since Yehkshir only give birth to Kurosian offspring so the Yahvii-ish aspects are more of a nod than accurate *shrugs* NONETHELESS this was real fun, thank you!

~Weird Hyenas