This started as an answer to an ask, but I just really got into drawing the Lost Queen again after what… months??? I ended up just having fun with it and giving her a less Skylander-y look… kind of. Been wanting to doodle Havok again too, may give him the same treatment. I miss dat boi.

I’m still going to be a bit slow, but ay have a Queenie!
~Weird Hyenas, mod

OOC : Bash was one of the first Skylanders that I showed a ton of interest in. He looked really badass for a kid’s game! He was a bit tough to find so when I finally got my legendary series 1 Bash I was SO excited to finally have this awesome looking dino-dragon guy.

Then I heard him speak. I was almost dumbfounded that they gave him such a terrible voice. I was expecting freakn’ Terrador-like voice to come out of this guy, but NOPE dumb rock dude. That did make me stop liking him, but I could never shake off how awesomely he was designed. I still wanted his series 2 toy, and I still love Bop since the pipsqueak voice is so much easier to tolerate x,D

But for Weirdlanders, damn skippy he’s a bit different! I’ve always liked his canon backstory, so the only things that really change are bits of his personality and of course his preferred voice actor.

|| Canon Backstory ||

|| Weirdlander Backstory ||

  • Bash’s backstory is fairly the same, only he was born a rock dragon. It was unusual for his kind to be wingless.
  • Bash is voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson, voice of Terrador in LoS
  • Bash did wish for Flashwing, and did fall in love with her. However he is nowhere near as creepy or mopey about it as his canon counterpart. He holds a soft spot for her, but many of his friends have helped him to see that she was not his type. However he still holds out the hope that she will one day give him a chance.
  • The way Bash speaks is slow, calculated, and incredibly intimidating. But he’s very friendly and playful despite his almost villainous appearance.
  • Bash is one of the few Skylanders who can withstand direct blows from the Lost Queen and Havok. His hide is thick enough to take some hits, not all, but most. He is also known for rolling himself up and launching himself into Havok’s gut to stun him through his Kuronium armor. Bash shows little fear when fighting the Kaos Family and like Warnado will take them on head to head without a second thought.