Lost Queen : Of course I do! Kaos can get under my skin and nearly drive me insane out of frustration, but I still care about him. It amazes me how easily humans can get sick but given Kaos’ utter hatred of baths I’m sure it shouldn’t be that much of a surprise.

OOC : Holy shit, I found the doodle of the original Feuriah’s Dawn cover in a sketchbook I found in my closet. Sadly, this was the only FD related thing in it, I was hoping it was that one long lost sketchbook with some of FD’s scripts in it (not that it matters that much anymore).

I remember quite the tragedy happened. I had been super excited for this cover, as it was actually a homework assignment my senior year in college (to make a cover, so i used that opportunity to make a cover for FD since there hadn’t been one). I was almost done, I was adding in the text when suddenly, photoshop crashed. The day before the assignment was due. When I tried to open up photoshop again, hoping it saved…. it did not. Suddenly, it was all gone. Not a trace of the file to be found. I was devastated, it was such an awesome cover and really embodied what I had originally wanted for the cover.

So I quickly, in one night, doodled something fast for the assignment. That cover is the one still being used, here. Maybe one day I’ll redo the cover to something more accurate to what FD is about, this one was but it’s still a long time until Bordy even appears. Hell I still gotta get in contact with Bordy’s owner and talk to her about it all,  it’s been 6-7 years since we last talked it over x,D

None the less, Felt like this would be a fun find to share!