Havok : Though, if I can pick a few off from time to time, I will. There are too many Skylanders after all, I don’t think they’ll notice if a few go… missing. Nobody seems to be missing tree guy anyway. What was his name? Stumpy? Stump Smoosh? 

Eon : Ah… yes. It was an unfortunate incident… 

I have seen the Queen’s fury myself, however none of the Skylanders had. After she had joined forces with Kaos, so many of them began to underestimate her. It was inevitable that they would learn the hard way…

The Skylander, Grilla Drilla, was made an example. Upon seeing him, The Queen immediately lost herself in Fury and attacked him, and only him. Nothing the other Skylanders did could tare her away from him; she was so fixated on Grilla that it was as if the others weren’t even there. It was only when he stopped moving that the Skylander Warnado was able to distract her and lead her away.

Somehow, Grilla survived. It was Spyro and Cynder who suggested the attack was a connection between her Fury and the fact Grilla was a monkey. Tthey were the only two who knew Malefor had ape minions.

Since then, we haven’t had such an attack. Grilla recovered, but would become absent for most missions involving the Queen.