
PANIA: That brat Kurogh still giving you the business, gaolach?
ATHRENNA: Nothing I can’t handle, as you well know, nosy fish.
PANIA: Nosy fish, eh? I’ve half a mind to kick Kurogh’s arse until he’s back in the shell and challenge you myself to be King.
ATHRENNA: Ahh, dear siren mine….you tempt me so!

MOD: So yeah, Pania and Athrenna were Mjia off and on after Athrenna arrived in Kurosia, and their flame reignited many years later after Burdohk was killed and the title of King was being fought over. Pania pretty much hated Kurogh from the second she met him (before Burdohk was killed) and will continue to subtly antagonize him during his reign.

When Athrenna dies, Pania takes the loss very hard. She eventually gets their pet name for one another, gaoloch, tattooed onto her scales in runes on the inside of her wrist. These tattoos are usually very painful and laborious, especially for an Ibarntang, but Pania is of the opinion that it was worth it.




A fan story for @weirdlanders based off of her Kuros mainly the childhood of Athrenna and my oc kuro Athrenna’s twin sister Alorna. 

The kuros had many stories about each other, about their fights they’re armour they’re gods even scars but no one knew about Athrenna’s scar on her face, it was a mystery even to her king because when anyone tries to ask her she would feel sad and ask to be left alone for a while for you see her scar brought back memories of her childhood and a promise that she wished she had kept.

Years ago  far away secluded up in the mountains shrouded by mist was a small

Kurosian fishing village where the kuros lived a peaceful life fishing beside an gigantic lake protected by the mist.The kuros thanked the gods for they’re safe haven for beyond the mountain walls were threats of being discovered by the


solider at least for the time being.One day on to top of hill was a small house inside was a very patient mother kuro sitting nearby a nest watching her first clutch of eggs that were starting to hatch, normally kuros lay one egg in their first clutch but this mother had layed two instead which is very rare but it didn’t matter to her she was just happy to have children at all.

((CRACK!! ))

Went the first egg as began to hatch the mother dragon cooed comforting words to encourage her first child out of the egg it wasn’t long until a head started to pear out of the shell. The baby dragon blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light her vision cleared and there her mother smiled as she looked at her new born daughter’s face.

“Hello sweetheart i’m your mommy welcome to the world my darling Athrenna”

 Said Athrenna’s mother as she nuzzled her new born daughters face while clearing the eggshell away

“Algoneer come here one of our babies hatched!”

like a flash of lightning Athrenna’s father came into the nursery panting with excitement 

“Zathura you did it”

He said as he stood beside his mate and smiled 

“No we did it silly”

she chuckled and sighed.

Just then the other egg started to move then a small crack started to appear on its shell.Both parents stepped closer to the nest as Algoneer nudged the egg to see if its still alive because two eggs of a first clutch one of them doesn’t always survives.But then 


a pair of wings bursts out of the eggshell Athrenna peered into the egg and saw her twin sister. Athrenna looked at her new sibling with curiosity then smiled as she leans to nuzzle her new sister while the newly hatched baby peeped in delight and nuzzled back. 

Zathura cleared the shell away then she licked her two daughters clean as they squeaked and purred in delight 

“what do you we should call her Algoneer?”

said Zathura as turned to her mate Algoneer pondered and then smiled and answered

“how about Alorna?”

“that’s perfect!”

she said as she turns to her babies who have fallen asleep.

Over the years the two sisters lived happily in the village Athrenna had many friends she was very popular with a lot of the other young kuros but Alorna didn’t, she was always by herself looking into the water of the lake very often she would wander off to play with the animals and critters that lived the forests around the village she felt like an outcast because the other children wouldn’t play with her because of a problem. Alorna was different she didn’t like the idea of the kuros killing innocent people and destroying other kingdoms it didn’t felt right to her it felt wrong another thing she felt was also wrong was not being able to love sure she can accept the love for thy people rule but not being able to love in a romantic way just felt wrong love is something you can never get rid of it doesn’t make weak it makes you stronger though she would never say that out loud fearing the wrath of her parents.

Alorna walked until she found her favourite spot to listen to the wind and mountains where they lived the mountains would sing as the powerful gales blow through the caves and holes in the mountains rock the music was soothing to Alornas ears she imagined herself with her own children sitting on the hillside listening the the song of the mountains.Just then her dreams were shattered as Athrenna pounced on her 

“Gotcha sis daydreaming again?”Athrenna said

“yes is that a problem?” Alorna said in annoyed tone

as she pinned her sister to the ground

“yes is that a problem?” Alorna saidin annoyed tone

Athrenna looked at her sister and said 

“sorry Alorna you just seemed dumb down lately i just thought you could use a little cheering up”as she got off her sister.

Although Alorna didn’t have any other friends she was at least happy that she had her best friend whom was also her sister, Athrenna would always keep her company and make her feel happy for when she’s sad and even though Athrenna had a wild spirit and often gets a bit rough with her play Alorna was still happy to have her.

Alorna got up and sat down looking at the view of the lake below 

“I don’t need cheering up i just like to be alone ok?” she said in the sad tone

Athrenna looked at her sister with a worried face and said 

“It’s because you don’t want to be evil isn’t it?”

Alorna stared at Athrenna in shock then turned away in shame wondering what she thinks of her. 

“You must hate me now don’t you?” Alorna said sadly

“What?! no i don’t what makes you think that?” said a shocked Athrenna

“Because i’m not like the others i don’t want to hurt anyone i just want to be friends with all kinds of people i want fall love in and have a family i don’t want to have to fight for my mate i want to let life and love to do that for me not some contract … just feels…..wrong!”Alorna says as tears starts to stream down hers eyes. 

Athrenna just stared she knew if anyone else found out about this Alorna would killed the others even her parents would be angry at this it was not the kuros custom to express emotions like this if they did the punishment would severe even by death. Athrenna sat there and thought very hard she sighed and said 

“hey sis i know this is a very stressful thing for you but don’t worry i’m gonna stand by you through think and thin even if it kills us beside’s your my sister no matter what your like or how you feel you’ll always be my sister”

 Alorna sniffled and looked in  Athrenna’s eyes and said 

“you really mean that?”

“Of course i do did you really think i would turn on you and get you killed nope not me” said Athrenna with a smile

Alorna starts to grin and sighs in relief now feeling happy that her sister accepts for who she is she feels content and decides to tell Athrenna the dream she hopes that will come true. 

“Wow that’s a pretty cool dream you have there sis” says Athrenna her sister smiles and she asks

“so what’s your dream?’‘

Athrenna paused the thought for a moment then finally she says 

’’To become queen of Kurosia!”

 Alorna looked at her surprised 

“Wait WHAT?!”

she gasps she looked at  Athrenna like she was crazy 

“You can’t be serious you know that’s impossible right?”

“yeah i know be but i’m gonna try to become the greatest queen that the Kuros will ever see, just you wait Alorna we will rule kurosia together” said Athrenna while hugging her sister as the sun sets over the mountains Alorna smiled as they watched the sunset.

“uh oh we’d better get back before mom gets mad at us for being late for supper’’

 Athrenna says getting up with Alorna she looks at her and says

“Alorna don’t worry about a thing i’ll keep your secret it’s safe with me”

Alorna smiled and says 

“thank you i appreciate it really”

 both sisters give a comforting hug then Athrenna starts running shouting 


Alorna laughs and chases after her down the hill back to their home knowing that nothing bad will happen to each other If only that was true.

(Well that took a while been meaning to post this story for @weirdlanders for some time now hope you enjoy this sorry if the layout is weird i’m not good at typing stories.)

Alorna and story belongs to me

Athrenna belongs to @weirdlanders

Hope you enjoy it.

AAAAAAW THIS WAS SO CUUUUTE ;3; *paps eyes with tissues* This was so good my dudes omg, thank you so unbelievably much for taking so much time and effort on this, it really shows and I honestly had a great time reading it ;u; ;alskdj;flaskjdflkj AWESOME WORK! ❤

~Weird Hyenas

Athrenna grew up in Shinnan, a major fishing village by the Black Sea. Being raised in a working class family, she was shown how to fish at a very early age. It was one of her favorite things to do, and since it also fed and earned her family money, she was usually found soaring above the water. Athrenna was very playful, friendly, but being raised in a large family taught her how to also fight and stand up for herself. 

She didn’t have big dreams, nor felt any tug to leave her village. She loved it, it’s people, and her life. Athrenna would often try to provoke Araudan to play with her, though the trickster Goddess didn’t seem to reply. As a child, she thought if she stuck by the water and tried enough, maybe one day Araudan would play.

The blue in her feathers didn’t appear until her late teens, and due to an attempted catch of a fish she lost a baby tooth early. She had a humble, but happy childhood!

Kurogh was a big name in Kurosia for many decades given his tactical genius, so for a long time, Feur did respect him. However, his personality is too soiling for Feur to find him attractive at any point. When he started showing his desire to become King, Athrenna found it humorous enough to tease Feur about it (before Burdohk passed, when Feur worked as one of her guards).

But, at least Athrenna got a kick out of it while it was still funny to laugh about 8,D

(( Full biography here ))

One of the many references I’ve been meaning to do for a long time, and was actually able to do it. Athrenna is a character I hold very close, she symbolizes an emotional strength I wish I had, confidence and ability to succeed too. I cherish her so much, that I won’t even do nsfw content with her. Out of all my characters, she’s one of my top favorites ❤

I tweaked her design a little, and finally gave her a full backstory, which is on my Deviantart cuz THERE’S A LOT X,D There’s so many refs I need and want to do, but lawd these take a longass time to do X-X’’’


~Weird Hyenas, Mod 

There’s no real number to how many females Athrenna had in her harem, but there were a lot x,D Despite the great number, Athrenna was very picky about her women. Physical appearance wasn’t what she looked for in her choices. You can see all these females in this comic!

Name : Eachna 
Breed : Brokt
Element : Earth
Role : Architectural engineer
Personality : Blunt and honest, but incredibly smart with her line of work. Eachna was one of the highest renounced architects in Kurosia. She was also known for her ability to headbutt walls and knock them down with little to no damage to herself.

Name : Muirgheal
Breed : Shire
Element : Water
Role : Marine Biologist / Trainer
Personality : Snarky and sarcastic, but when her trust is earned she’s a total sweetheart. Muir was a respected biologist for her discoveries of deep sea creatures, and training them to fight alongside the Kurosian warriors.

Name : Surkha
Breed : Shire
Element : Fear
Role : Weapon Engineer
Personality : Quiet but dangerous. Surkha is responsible for many bombs and weapons used by Kuros that implement the fear element.

Name : Vevinna
Breed : Fiosioc
Element : Fire
Role : Warlord
Personality : Strong personality but sweet, Vevinna made a name for herself by becoming a brilliant warlord. She was one of the females closest to Athrenna.
(( Character belongs to @askgrimcreeper / @lizzydizzydoodle ))

Name : Niamh
Breed : Allus
Element : Fire
Role : Fire Element Historian
Personality : Shy and reserved, but incredibly resourceful. Her vast knowledge is admired by the Fire Temple, but she is also known for helping fund countless orphanages and elementary schools all around Kurosia.

Name : Adane
Breed : Allus
Element : Air
Role : Silverwing
Personality : Quick to anger and hard to please, Adane was one of the handful chosen to be a Silverwing. Her element is air, but she was known for blasting her foes with waves of scalding air blasts that could melt.