Born like the rest, broken then molded into something she was never meant to be. Without her Fury abilities, born an Ice dragon like her father, she was given the name Acerna to compliment Acerbus, and his mother Aspurna. Acerbus had dreamed of being a father, but was a poor one. Controlling, manipulative, Acerna was forced to uphold her father’s impossible standards to be his trophy child to parade. All hopes and dreams of independence, a life for her to mold and lead, was smashed as a child. Becoming a distant, cold, indifferent adult training to be Acerbus’ replacement in the Guardian’s circle. 

Okay THIS was fun 😀 Imaging Feur hatching as an ice dragon instead of a fury elemental Kuros was different but kinda heartbreaking too. Acerbus always wanted to be a father for the worst reasons, not to have something to love but to have something to love him, to build up honor for him more then them. He wouldn’t be the worst father, just not a good one. 

I would like to think that she does eventually break from Acerbus’ mental hold on her thanks to Ignitus when she’s training to possibly become a Guardian, and thanks to him awakening the stubborn fight in her she drops out and follows another career of HER choosing. And this may just be the trash in me but I kinda like the idea that in this AU, her and Ignitus would be a thing. Could yall just imagine Acerbus’ anger 8,D

I kept her design close to Acerbus’, but still nodding to Yahvii’s disguise. I don’t know who her mother would be, not Yahvii since Yehkshir only give birth to Kurosian offspring so the Yahvii-ish aspects are more of a nod than accurate *shrugs* NONETHELESS this was real fun, thank you!

~Weird Hyenas



I’v kinda been quite on this blog and pretty much every where (aside from skype) for multiple life reasons but I do hope to do more art in time once I have my new graphics tablet that i am saving up for.

but due to weird telling me of the popularity of our fankids Rocoto and Tamale she convinced me to upload my first drawing of them I ever did and even some jack!

so yea….FUN FACT!! I was actually quite drunk when i designed these kids as at first jakc and feuriah seemed like a joke but over time I kinda convinced myself they where a good match and after (not so much) convincing I think i got weirdy baby a little obsessed too XD

as you can see there have been some alters to their look but it was all for the better!! welp hope you all enjoy and I’ll upload some more sketches tonight of old old skylander stuff!!))


OOC : I LOVE THIS QUESTION THANK YOU LEMMING! I love sharing different universes with others but out of all the Weirdlanders characters, Havok has the most ‘set’ different AU versions of himself. The Queen has a few, with the Legend of Spyro version of herself and the Lost Queen, but for the most part even in different ‘landers’ universes she pretty much acts the same way. Havok’s usually the driving point out of the storylines, as the plots often revolve around him and the other characters. No matter the plotline, however, he’s still missing his tail. 

Canon Havok
The Havok typically shown on the blog, his set backstory is usually set as a mix between my own verse, Koof’s, WhirlRoaster, and the Grim Creeper blogs. He also is the one who interacts with other people’s characters.

ShaloneSK/Weirdlanders Havok
A verse between just SK and I, this Havok has a less than lovely personality than the canon self. More self centered, this Havok is still driven to simply be a thorn in the Skylander’s side. But when it comes to ‘friends’ or even ‘lovers’, he becomes far more cold. This Hov actually isn’t available for questions, as his own story will be revealed in time 🙂

Devine Havok
The big dog of plotlines, Devine Havok was actually the first adult Hov I RP’d as. A far more twisted take on the Skylander’s verse, Devine Havok’s verse was created with the WhirlRoaster blog. Something I’d really like to make into a comic one day, if I could ;u; This plotline takes place when Havok is 6 years old, and Kaos comes up with a plan to create a time portal. He uses it to try and destroy past Spyro and the Skylanders, but the portal malfunctions just when Spyro and the ‘landers’ come to stop him. Spyro, tired of Kaos’ attempts to take over Skylands, kicks Kaos into the malfunctioning portal where he vanishes and the portal breaks apart. Havok witnesses his father’s dissappearance, and from that day on swore his revenge on both Skylands and it’s protectors. 

He does meet Stormee and fall in love with her, but his vengence always comes first. In his teenage years, he begins killing off Skylanders. His first plot to take over Skylands is actually still canon in all of the verses; his raid on Gillmen Island. He kidnaps Spyro’s daughter and murders his best friend, albeit this is also when he loses his tail. However, his reign of terror doesn’t end there, and as he grows older he becomes more potent and lethal. Slowly, Havok takes over more and more of Skylands, picking off Skylanders when he could, until what was left of them had to go into hiding. He awakens the Kurosian gods, putting the souls of all the dead Kurosians into empty gargoyle bodies, and using them to aide him in his fight agains’t Skylands. I could of course go on about how he actually becomes ‘devine’, but this post would go on for sooooo long. Nonetheless, he comes far more blood-thirsty, unfeeling (except for Stormee and his children), crazed to the point he eventually tried to kill his own father, and one hell of a badass villain to play. Devine Havok could be open for questions, but good lord if canon Havok met him, he’d be very freaked out by him. Whoo!

But in the end, the reason why I just LOVE having AU versions of my characters is because I REALLY enjoy exploring my characters and how different they could be if situations were different. Havok so far has been fun, but even the Queen/Feuriah is fun too. If Feur met the DotD version of herself, I’m pretty sure they both would end up fighting each other xD 

This was a fun ask, thanks again Lemming!
~Weird Hyenas


The Last Stand

I felt that I needed more concept art for my portfolio as well. So here we have an idea I’ve been dwelling on for a ‘Skylander’ boss fight with “Devine Havok”; or rather Havok in a dragon form. A form granted to him by the Kurosian gods to aide him in his evil plots to destroy Earth and enslave Skylands. In the final battle, the player would have to defeat him in his regular form and enraged, more beasty form, before finally getting to his massive, Devine form. 

Planning on coloring this in a more painterly style :>