|| Part One || Part Two (to be posted) –> ||

OOC : This is one of the oldest asks in my box ;3; I’ve been etching away at it for like a year but kept forgetting about it, as it was kinda hefty to draw the whooole explanation of how they got together. BUT IT SHALL BE DONE!


Skylanders : Awakening 

I’ve been wanting to try out a different inspired comic, so I’m trying my hand at the Lost Queen’s story. Feuriah’s Dawn was fun and all but… my inspirations have changed a bit, and I like her story in Skylanders a lot more. Feuriah’s Dawn isn’t cancelled just um… I dunno

So here’s the first three ‘pages’ of the comic! The title is a working title, and for the first part, it’ll be structured like a storybook. 

Also yes, the dragon on the right in the first page is Cynder’s father, Kurogh (pronounced Kuu-rogue or Kuu-rogg)

Weird Hyenas