Weirdlanders T-Shirts? YEE!

Naaah, not by me, but I asked my friend @azul-j to actually make a few of her pretty arts of the Lost Queen and Voteil as shirts and stickers available on Redbubble! 

Want Voteil’s face? Have Voteil’s face!


Or, perhaps an angry Queenie on yo tiddies?


They’re both also available as stickers!

Thank you so much @azul-j for making these available! You can find Voteil’s shirt/stickers here, and the Lost Queen’s here!

*happie noises of glee*


here we go 🙂 tonight’s batch of headshots!

the first two are the final parts of my LoS series! The Chronicler and the Soldier dragon!


dragon soldier:

the last two are a commission from Weird of Voteil in both his normal and shadow form. Tried to make them the same size, sorry if anything is off x-x I’m not good at drawing skulls.

OOC : Not only are these awesome, but AAAAAAH LITTLE VOVO LOOKS SO GOOD OMG! ;U; He looks perfect, skulls ARE a betch but you made Skullteil still adorably cute ;u; *sniffles* THank you so much! I totally suggest getting some of these peeps, she’s still taking them! Read more here!


finally got around to coloring Auros

these are my Skylander/Weirdlander fan Kuros c: Zero is a mixed Kuros while Auros is pure. I had this idea that Auros flew Zero’s egg to safety while the city was under attack -all other eggs had already been crushed, he had hidden Zero’s anyway because of its bright colors from the non-kuros genes-. He flew below the city down past the floating islands of Skylands to the very earth over a large dark colored desert nicknamed ‘The Chocolate Ocean’. There a giant serpent shot from the earth and attacked Auros biting off his wing and his arm -the other wounds he received trying to escape the city, the one on his face is a burn-.

After he killed the serpent he passed out from blood loss. A tribe of Mabu, never having seen or heard of a Kuros, dragged him into their village and kept him alive. He stayed in a coma for five weeks, all the while the egg was dormant until he woke up. Since then, Auros has lived peacefully with the Mabu tribe, working to repay them despite his disabilities. In secret he teaches Zero all about the Kuros while the Mabu speak of the Skylanders of old.

if you wanna know more I guess you can ask the characters themselves xD sorry if it’s poorly written. Been feeling a bit lazy here lately!

Kuros belong to

OOC : oooOOOOOH I DIDN’T SEE THIS BUT HOLY SHIT MY FAVORITE SHADE OF TEAL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH omg, this is a true beauty, such a bootyful babs and omg Zero is painfully adorable. Be still my heart ;u;


OOC : Well well well, look what finally came in!

A week or so ago (or longer, my conception of time is poor as tiddies), I decided to look up possible new Springtrap phone cases as the sticker I had of him was fading off my phone. I ended up picking out a shirt, but still wanted to get a case. I figured, well why not look for skylander cases? That was when I suddenly remembered azul-j had her bootyful dragons all available too!

It was so, SO hard to pick one. I wanted so many, but Cynder felt like the best choice for me. I’m in love with how Cynder looks in this style, and to have a shirt of it…I WAS SO HYPED!

You can get the Cynder one HERE, and lawdy there’s a ton I really want to get. Damn you red bubble for being expsensive, I WANNA BUY ALL THE SHIRTS D: The Springtrap one is by a different artist, but found here!

Thank you so, SO much azul-j for making these available. I plan on getting more next month, Kurt wants Camo or Drobot ;u; 

Also for the last picture… there’s this creepy lady that likes to walk around the apartments, and she passed as I was taking pictures. Sadly she didn’t look over at me, ah well still made a great picture 😀 no i can’t take selfies seriously

~Weird Hyenas


“You are my idol”

I’ve always loved the Spyro franchise. Even in the worst of times -coughenterthedragonflycoughcough- and the best of times. My first video game ever was Spyro 2 Ripto’s Rage, which I play all the time even now. I’ve filled all my save files to over %100 on both the disc and digital download on my ps3. Needless to say I absolutely love the original Spyro. If I could I’d collect a bunch of the old figures and plushies but alas I don’t have the money for it. Even still I absolutely love the plushie I DO have and I’m more than happy to just play the games over and over.
Skylander Spyro -I refer to him affectionately as Skyro- has stolen a new place in my heart. Since the LoS series was created Spyro had gotten a whole new personality. While it wasn’t at all bad and it fit the world/atmosphere I kinda missed the spunky attitude of my favorite purple dragon. Even if I did miss it I could still just play the old games but ya know :p.

Anyway! When Skylanders was announced and I seen the trailers for it, just hearing Spyro’s voice and seeing him in action made me grin. He had his spunky, if not more badass personality back. Sure the game is easier and leans more towards young children but I just can’t help but love and enjoy the game. I love the character designs, the backgrounds, the colors, and the over all goofy and happy atmosphere of the games. They remind me a lot of the original three, just dumbed down a tad -which is alright!-.

I love the new Spyro cause he represents, to me, how the original Spyro was. Sure he’s not a main character but he’s still iconic and still there. You can play the games as just Spyro to MAKE it a Spyro game. That’s what I love about it. The power of choice. You can go through the game as one character, or all of them. It’s up to you.

I got a little personal there! Anyway, this image is a big representation of how I feel about these two loveable scalebutts. You can buy it on Redbubble here:

OOC : And that’s what should matter ❤ bootyful art yet again ;u;