OOC : I was fiddling through my old sketchbooks from my late highschool/early college years, and stumbled through quite a LOT of old FD doodles. I figured, hell why not share some of them? 8D Mind you, these are around 6-8 years old O-O’’ But, comes to show yall, you definitely grow over the years x,D

The first two are SUPER early doodles of baby Feur, which at the time still had a handful of years before she was shown in comic. I think these were drawn around the time I was doing the animation AppleEye, in which Acerbus kills baby Feuriah x,D

Next was drawn in 2009/2010, of Nikolios (he was only recently implemented into FD, he’s originally just an OC weredood!). I remember being so proud of the anatomy of this one… my god x,D

Of course, Acerbus studies. There were a TON of these in my sketchbooks, ranging from him as a baby, an awkward teen, and just expressions. I only took a picture of this one because it was a splashpage of JUST acerbus, my sketchbooks were filled to the absolute BRIM of Weird doodles (who, was my mirror demon gal. She was drawn the most when I was in college all four years). Then Baltimor, when he grows older, and YEAH it’s still planned he gets HUGE. Gawd my wing anatomy *winces*

Last, I don’t actually remember this, but it must be a reject FD page. I kept all the FD pages in a separate binder (which I still have).

I may upload more old art things, I just thought it was fun to show these ones off! I’ll go find the sketchbooks which have the very, VERY first concept doodles of Feuriah. They’re incredibly embarrassing, but hay, misewell show eh? 😀

~Weird Hyenas