Lost Queen : All those years ago, I was still a very broken dragon. I had been forced to banish my only living child, and if I didn’t have Kaos, I don’t know if I would have stayed remotely sane. I had nothing but a dim hope to somehow avenge my people, nothing else.

When I found I was with child, I was incredibly scared. I wasn’t ready to have another, not after losing so many. Hybrids could happen between Kuros and other species… but sometimes, it didn’t work. Stillborns, or young deaths were possible, and I was terrified this would happen. There had never been a human dragon hybrid before, I had no context, I was so, so very scared I would lose my child. I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle that…

But the moment Havok hatched from his egg, so full of ferocity and life… I can’t even begin to explain it. All of the pain I had been carrying vanished, all of my fears, my grief… for that brief time, I felt unbelievable joy and love again. Yinn Vok, my son, made me realize that I still had purpose. He gave me new vigor to reclaim my pride and honor. He did not replace the holes in my heart that my past children had left… but he made his own, big spot. 

Lost Queen : There are plenty of Havok; he was a chubby little ball of rampage. He was nothing like Hysteria; Hiss was quiet and intelligent as a baby, while Havok was loud and prone to countless tantrums. He was a tough baby to raise, but I think once he learned to talk and walk he became obsessed with his father, mimicking him. Spirits, having two Kaos’ walking around was…excuse the pun, but chaotic. But I did, and still love him, and treasure the abundant photos I have of him as a chubby little baby.

Viril on the other hand, we only have one. Mind you, Viril was officially adopted by the family when he was around 18 years old. I had very little contact with Viril as a baby, as he was born to the Skylanders Dizzy Doodle and Grim Creeper. At his birth, all the magical beings of Skylands felt a disruption in the magical fabric; including me. I felt a darkness in whatever was happening, so both Kaos and I ventured out to find the source.

Kaos and I witnessed Viril’s birth, sensing that he had been infused with incredible dark powers. But Viril’s birthfather, Grim Creeper, was in denial that his firstborn son had such evil in him.

When Viril was around 5 years old, I was able to meet with him alone, and took him to visit my family. Havok was 7 at the time, and didn’t make friends with anyone easily. But Viril quickly became his first real friend. I showed Viril that he would be welcomed within my family, his powers accepted where at home, he was forced to hide his abilities from others. He loved his birth family so much, he chose to stay with them and visited as he grew older. 

I’ve always treated him as my own. I knew what it was like to be hidden away as a child, and so we gave him the love he deserved. Him and Havok eventually treated each others like brothers, as Viril was the only other person he ever truly connected with. The Creepers loved him too, but didn’t accept him for all that he was. He left his family just a few years after the events of Trap Team to be with us forever, and since then, he’s been an amazing, albeit strange, addition to the Kaos Family.

|| AskGrimCreeper’s post about Viril’s birth and Adoption || Other Viril Posts (Weirdlanders)  || Viril and Havok ||

Viril© askgrimcreeper