After sketching Malefor and Feuriah, I realized how fun these were to doodle and decided I’d at some point offer these as $15 commissions 8D I’ll most likely post a journal on my dA with slots at some point, would be nice to have some extra cash to bring with me to Rainfurrest this weekend! Especially after finding out my #1 art idol will be there… buying all that art *nervous cackling*

Mini Malefor shouldn’t be that cute. It’s so hard to hate something so cute, why you do dis D:

Also for the last guy uh…his name’s Gattle’Bat ^^’ He’s another OC Skylander that I just, haven’t got around to finishing his reference sheet (as his design changed TWICE after inking it -3- ). He originated from the cancelled “Awakening” thing I was doing two years ago, I doodled a few Skylanders for a comic panel and liked his design. I reworked it, and got wee Gats 8D I do hope to finish him up eventually and bring him on, he’s been a character for about 2-4 months now and he’s a fun guy, just never got around to introducing him as I was already behind on so many asks x,D But I’m always behind, so once I fix his reference, I’ll properly introduce Gat!