Lost Queen : If it does, nobody knows for sure. There are many legends and tales about Bhailiu, some say it has no bones, that it is just darkness taking the owl gryphon’s form. While others say that it’s true form has black bones, like it’s talons and beak.

One legend tells of a very stubborn King who refused to accept his death. When Bhailiu came for his soul, he stood up to it and challenged it for the right to live again. Bhailiu then changed it’s form; sprouting dozens of long, spider like arms, it’s head twisted upside down while it’s jaws opened all the way along the neck, and rows of black, glistening teeth grew within the abyss of it’s mouth. It lunged and swallowed the stubborn King up, shifted back to normal, and flew back to the Veil.

Personally, I’ve never seen Bhailiu do this, and the most I saw this awe striking God do was shift sizes and sing. It is also said to speak in both a male and female voice, but again, I’ve never seen it.

|| Kurosian Gods || Bhailiu’s Story || Other Bhailiu Posts ||

Voteil : Not all the spirits in the city are crazed, however. Some are just spirits locked in a forever loop of their final days. If you wait by certain places, stand completely still, the spirits will visibly act out their day! Just um… don’t interact with them. If they pick up something is off, that attracts the bad ghosts…

|| Kurosian Poltergeists || Kurosian Funerals/Bhailiu summons || Cynder and Lost Queen’s Ghost Story || Havok’s Ghost Encounter ||