Bocht’ Ynort, aka “Baby Horns” is a adult dragon who strove to become the best baker the kurosian people have ever heard of. previously enlisting for the military, he couldnt get very far due to his….baby horns. While Bocht grew up to become a strong kuros, his kuronium parts did not….and bearing the shame of his cute little baby horns, he had to settle for something like baking to offset the sadness. But the cakes he makes are very tasty, so it helps.

aah i had to make one, ive been following you for a long time, much respect ;v;

Omfg, oooooomfg. I love him. I love him so much it hurts. He’s so sad and cute I want to latch onto him like a leech and feed him hugs. 

He’s perfect, he is grace. This is such a clever and funny idea for a character I LOVE HIM. Also omg you make me blush  =/)3(=

~Weird Hyenas

Are there any base-line personality traits of each breed of Kuros we could use to reference when making our own ?

Well, each Kuros has the ability to have whatever personality out there, so a lot of these would be more like, stereotypes rather than solid truths. BUT here!

Fiosioc – fluffy, cute, all bark but no bite
Allus – reproduce like bunnies
Shire – stuck up and a little too proud of themselves
Yinvaht – sly, sexy, wise
Craolig – goofy looking AF, but super smart and hold grudges for hundreds of years
Brokt – giant meatheads, but incredibly strong, no need for smarts when you can bring down a wall with a headbutt. The “bro” breed

~Weird Hyenas, Mod