Weirdlanders : The Bad Seed 

Imprisoned for aiding the Trap Team villains escape, the once proud Skylander Flashwing suffers in silence with Hysteria’s voice haunting her mind. Seen as a threat, Flashwing must be kept away until Hysteria’s control over her is banished. However, months of attempt after attempt has proven fruitless, and Flashwing’s mind is starting to break. Can the Skylanders help save Flashwing before she succumbs to Hysteria’s will?

I was genuinely nervous to post a cover for this comic like I did with Apple of his Eye, but I have so much more confidence in this comic actually being finished. All pages have been sketched, lines written, and the first 3-4 pages colored! Updates of course will be slow, but it’s well on it’s way and I’m super excited to finally do it ;u;

Enjoy the first lengthy Weirdlanders comic! There’s so many more I’d like to do, here’s hoping I can do more when this one is finished! 🙂

~Weird Hyenas

When Cynder finds herself in a dream, she is shocked to find her brother’s spirit waiting for her. Yet this reunion is not a happy one as Voteil uneasily reveals that she is there to meet someone. Someone who can either answer forgotten secrets to Kurosia’s fall, or haunt her nightmares for the rest of her days…

I had another comic idea in mind, but when I received this ask I found that I couldn’t find a way to answer with a single or handfuls of panels. So, I decided that it would be a great mini comic 😀

I’ve been sketching pages for about a month now between commissions and other asks, and so far there are five pages. I’m estimating around possibly 10 or more! I’m very much excited to do this comic, as it’s canon in both Weirdlanders AND the Feuriah’s Dawn universe that Cynder was never to meet her father alive. Especially with the events of Weirdlanders, I wonder how Kurogh will take to his banished daughter >;D

~Weird Hyenas

OOC : Sorry for taking so long to actually reply about this, I was honestly so damn excited and happy I didn’t know what to say xD

I love it so freaking much, SO freakn’ much. I pictured Malefor being this size even in Skylanders, keeping a similar if not freakier looking version of his LoS counterpart. I wasn’t expecting the armor, but I’m totally digging it. It makes me all the more excited to read these comics! I have “The Kaos Trap” hardcover that I just recently read, but I haven’t gotten ahold of any of the other comics. I used to really be into reading comics, such as the Sonic the Hedgehog ones and tons of Deadpool and Batman. So far, I REALLY like the comics, and the Malefor story only makes me even more excited!!! Fico Ossio is a phenomenal artist (and really freakn nice from the times he’s replied to my comments on his dA page) and I had full faith that he’d draw Malefor with justice, and hooooly shit was I right. I don’t know if he was the one who designed him, but DAMN JUST, JUST LOOK AT THAT FUUUUUUUUUUUH

Long story short : I LOVE IT TO DEATH! Perfect size, badass freaky design. Once I free up more time I’m totally going to draw some fanart because damn, that face

~Weird Hyenas, Mod


Skylanders : Awakening 

I’ve been wanting to try out a different inspired comic, so I’m trying my hand at the Lost Queen’s story. Feuriah’s Dawn was fun and all but… my inspirations have changed a bit, and I like her story in Skylanders a lot more. Feuriah’s Dawn isn’t cancelled just um… I dunno

So here’s the first three ‘pages’ of the comic! The title is a working title, and for the first part, it’ll be structured like a storybook. 

Also yes, the dragon on the right in the first page is Cynder’s father, Kurogh (pronounced Kuu-rogue or Kuu-rogg)

Weird Hyenas