Since Havok and Hysteria weren’t around when Cynder was banished, do they still consider her their sister? And what if Cynder had kids of her own, how’d they feel about them? Would they try to hurt them?

Havok and Hysteria have two very different outlooks on things, especially about family. Havok was born a few years after Cynder was banished, but still grew up in a very tough time. Feuriah was still much distraught about The Fall, Cynder’s banishment, and was still trying to figure out how to have a ‘relationship’ with Kaos. Easy to say, Havok had a very ‘chaotic’ childhood and saw aspects of his parents Hysteria did not. Hysteria was planned, and hatched when her parents were more put together (granted still not nearly as much as they are now, as when Hiss was 3 the events of Trap Team happened because Kaos tried to go back to how things were before he had a family). 

With that, Havok is more sensible and careful about hurting his mother. He has a stronger sense of honor and loyalty, and knows his mother still considers Cynder her daughter; therefor, his sister. Personally, Havok doesn’t feel any connection to Cynder at all and doesn’t blink an eye when he has to fight her. He is, however, careful. Only because he knows if he truly hurt Cynder, it would hurt Feuriah. If they’re ever caught in battle, Havok will often try to hurt Cynder just enough to daze her, or harm her enough to stop her from fighting. He does this usually by knocking her out, hitting her wings just hard enough to make it hard for her to fly; that sort of things. 

Cynder in turn, won’t try to kill Havok. She doesn’t feel a sibling connection to either Hov or Hiss, but again doesn’t want to bring Feuriah more agony by killing her new family. She’s fully aware, though, that Havok won’t kill her, so she tries to land as much damage on him to prevent him from hurting others. They don’t try to permanently harm or kill the other, out of respect and love for their mother.

Hysteria is a completely different case. 

She cares enough for her parents, more than she realizes. She fancies herself a lone villain unless she’s enlisted to help her parents with something, and even then, she tends to favor her father over Feuriah. She doesn’t care about The Fall, and instead uses Kurosian magic only to strengthen the power she was born with. She’s perfectly okay with hurting Havok, which he’s aware of, but she doesn’t as it would just cause more trouble than it’s worth. Havok just has to stay on his toes with her to make sure she doesn’t manipulate him, but he’s more aware of her dangers than their own parents.

If Hiss had the chance to kill Cynder, she probably would, but would have to do it in a way so her mother isn’t aware that it was her doing. While it’s totally something she would do, there’s nothing really in it for her right now to go through all that effort, so she hasn’t. To her, Cynder is just another Skylander that’s only in danger if she’s in her way, which isn’t often yet since Hiss still primarily stays within Kurosia. She’s around 10 years old now, so that’ll be changing.

As for any children Cynder may have, safe to assume Havok would do the same he’s always had and just avoid them if he can. No killing, just some harm to keep them out of the way. Hysteria, same deal too. If they stayed out of her way, she only meddles with those that offer some benefit. 

~Weird Hyenas


New images of Cynder in the upcoming Season of Skylanders Academy!

Think Spyro is the only purple-skinned, wisecracking, devil-may-care
dragon in the Skylands? Well, actually he is. But there’s also Cynder,
an ambitious, violet-scaled dragon who arrived at the Academy with a
mysterious past that she refuses to talk about. Maybe it has something
to do with how preternaturally talented she is in the dark arts, with
awesome—and sinister—powers like her spectral lightning and shadow dash.
Or how she’s always taking those weekend trips down to the Underworld.
Until the Skylanders can get to the bottom of what’s really driving
Cynder, she’s content to be the brooding ying to Spyro’s carefree yang,
adding a much-needed edge to the Skylanders’ fight for good.

My skin is clear, my crops are growing, my bootyful daughter is bootyful ;u; 

~Weird Hyenas

Apple of His Eye – pages 1-5

Had a lot planned for this comic, now that I look back on it. This… could be a thing I could continue, but greyscale color things to help save on time. It was a fun idea of Cynder getting to meet her father, Kurogh. Doesn’t seem like I put in the bubbles for the second to last panel, a lot of stuff needed redo but at this stage in my comic process, it’s all stand in, clunky simple stuff I come back to in the final stages 🙂

~Weird Hyenas