Goretober Day 29: A Skeleton

I love his design. So when I saw this day theme I knew I have to use him.

AM GUNNA EXPLODE dude this is so freakn cool, seriously. The colors and textures are giving my eyes all the happies, i just LOVE THIS??? Seriously tho thank you so much your Goretober drawings have been so freakn amazing (peeps go check them out they’re really freakn awesome!!!)

~Weird Hyenas

I didn’t want to change to much since he is your boi but just a few minor design changes so he still looks like cynders father. ;w; if I have time I’ll probs change what I did a little bit if I can come back to this. The top page is also involved with the design but we’re just quick concepts for the head

Holy jebus tho, I…love this O_O like, so much about it, how stocky and rough he looks. That’s still totally going for the look I wanted for him, yet altering it in a way that still looks like him. Dooood, these sketches are amazing and helpful, I love your ideas for him!!! Also your style yet again I must gush over for a moment I LOVE HOW YOU DREW HIS FACEY *ahem*

Beautiful work and concepts, they’ve definitely in the vein that I was going for too ;u; Thank you!!!!

~Weird Hyenas

I know is about backstabbing. But backstabbing is form of betrayal. And Malefor did betrayal Kurogh and the Kuros. So I thought I can used this

I don’t know if Kurogh was first victim of the massacre but Malefor did rip his throat out.

MY DOOOOOOOOOOOOOD HAELTH THIS IS AWESOME!!! Omg it’s so gorey it makes me so happie ;u; Seriously tho this is AWESOME, I love the framing and lil Vovo back there ooooooooomg ;3; Beautiful work with the shading too, it’s perfectly dramatic to the scene ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤  Thank you for this awesomely gorey awesomeness!!!

~Weird Hyenas

Here are Chef Pepper Jack *Wearing a nightshirt* and Feuriah on the bed relaxing.

Sorry if Feur’s front leg looks weird ^^;

I also drew this for WeirdHyenas’ 28th birthday, happy birthday!

Drawn on Comic Workshop 2.

Chef Pepper Jack © Activision

The Lost Queen AKA Feuriah © WeirdHyenas

Artwork © ChelseaCatGirl *That’s me*

Comic Workshop 2 © Collavier

AAAAAAW MY HEART! ;alskdjfalskdf omg thank you so very very much, this is so cuuuuuute!!! this looks so awesome hon, thank yous!

~ Weird Hyenas


I got bored so I doodled some adult!Mehp stuffs. I even threw in Weirdie’s Voteil for fun. XD

Mehp would have actually gotten chubby if she was a alive and The Fall didn’t happen. Also her markings start to become two tone like normal Craolig Kuros and her speech is no longer broken, but she still speaks in the third person. Typical Mehp. XD


VOTEIL/CRAOLIG/KUROS – @weirdlanders / @pepper-peen-queen

aaaaaaaaaaaw she grew up!!! aaaaw she’s a purdy lady ;u; 


Name: Tromluí (Pronounced Trom-Lee)

Nicknames: Trom, Queen of Madness

Meaning: Nightmare

Age: (at death) 250 years.

Breed: Allus

Gender: Female

Race: Kurosian Dragon

Element: Shadow

Minor Element: Fear

Mate: Laoch Onóir (Honored Warrior)

Children: Uabhas Laoch’vok

Tromluí hatched as one of the Cnámhdubh (Black Bones) and while held under suspicions and uncertainty kept to herself even in younger years. She spent most of her time studying and learning about warfare indenting to prove herself and aimed to become Queen. Tromluí intended to show that Cnámhdubh weren’t all creatures of madness prone to tragic happenings and could be something greater. When the time came using her training and element she defeated all who stood in her path even killing the final contender standing in the way of her goal. 

Only one male was ever able to finally take his side as her king due to the fear of their Queen going mad…Laoch Onóir. The pair would have one child together named Uabhas Laoch’vok who (to most of Kurosia) was born a normal Kuros. Yet it would be after this that madness would begin to show in Tromluí who started to lead campaign that ended up with many lives lost even if the territory had been conquered. The last straw had been when her own mate had tried to kill her with poison, killing Laoch she moved on and did the same to most of her court until stopped. 

Uabhas, her only son was the one who stopped his mother’s rampage and killed her, taking his mother’s body into The Veil…and never emerged. Tromluí would go down in history known as “The Queen of Madness” with her story told as a cautionary tale of The Cnámhdubh and what they are capable of.

(The Kuros belong to @weirdhyenas, I’m just a weeb who plays in the sandbox she and her friend Koof created.)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOW HAD I NOT SEEN THIS omg, I love this so much! I can definately see this bein a tale told to wee lil youngin Kuros O_O you did fantastic on the story and the art too! I love how she looks both beautiful and dangerous at the same time, especially with her lovely eyes and sharp chompers. Awesome, AWESOME work!!!!

~Weird Hyenas


Fan art for @weirdlanders :3 Just a little thing because your art i awesome and I’ve wanted to draw you a fanart for a long time kek

Hope you enjoy *hides into a trashcan*

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOomfg her face, I LOVE how you drew her face. That smrk asldkfaslkdfj!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

~Weird Hyenas

Been wanting to do some fanart of this fella for a while now.
I think he turned out pretty good for my first time drawing him. Sorry if the colours are little had to make do with what I had. I also just wanna say that you and your art are so inspiring and just thanks for being cool.

Hope you like him


Omg this is soooo freakn cool, I seriously love the pose! He looks so friggen mad ‘n badass ;u; omg thank you so insanely much, this is so awesome! 

~Weird Hyenas