Yoo, creator of Mongrel here! 😀 I finally got her little sister, Aoife, done! I haven’t submitted her to my dA yet but I will as soon as I can. I had too much fun with her design, though adding in some of those latent Urlathei traits were a pain in the ass. x-x Again, like her elder sister, she is a heavy crossbreed of all sorts of Kuros, and well, inbreeding tends to fuck up things genetically. Some of the traits don’t make sense but fuck it, I am having fun.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAH IT”S THE PRETTY BAB!!!! Omg her story’s so sad too, my poor wee heart ;3; Awesome work again! ;u;

~Weird Hyenas

Greetings! 😁 Finished designing my fan character for the bewitching world of Kurosia. I’ll be making a reference sheet with her info, soon.
Her name is Súileanahkt na Fala (Eyes of the Void), a Yehkshir who wields the element of Void/Abyss.

Oh, my lawd. This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! ;3; My jaw literally dropped open when I saw this, your work is so fantastically amazing. That linework is gorgeous too, AND THAT HAIR LASKD;ALKSDJF I, LOVE THIS. SO MUCH!!!! I wish I had more words to describe how much I love!

~Weird Hyenas

Finally got my Kuros bab done! I was a lazy shit when it came to submitting over on my dA, but ah well. But since the Brokt are my favorite of the Kuros so far, have Mongrel (or Mona, as she’s called by her charge, Maya). She.. doesn’t come from a happy background, but that’s all to be revealed soon enough. >D And yeah, some of her traits don’t make sense since she’s a heavy crossbreed, but she was made before the cross traits guide came out. :’D Plus some of it comes from… a lot of inbreeding, sadly. 

Okee, so I’ve had this sitting in my invox for a wee bit, because I had so much I wanted to gush about this bab ;u;

I just LOVE how unique this gal looks! Such a strange one, but in the way that I just eat up! I can tell you put a lot of thought in her, and i just *love* the tail too! Mutations do happen and it’s really cool to see that on one! I can’t wait to see her background, visually it shows she has had one unhappy life and it makes me so interested to learn about what it is! Also gotta say, I love how striking her eyes are, and her teeth, I dunno why i just, love how that looks? It pleases me eyes? YEE!!!

Thank you so much for sharing this bab!!! 
~Weird Hyenas

I decided to redraw my favorite character <333


Oh my lawd, my doods, that improvement! You’ve come a long way and it REALLY shows in this, I REALLY hope you’re as proud of this as I am amazed. The shading is absolutely beautiful, that landscape is detailed as all hecks, not to mention the ol’ Queeny! She looks so poised and regal, but I just gotta point out how AWESOME THE SCALEWORK IS??? I’m such a sucker for well done scales, and lawd, I LOVE what you’ve done with hers!

Thank you so very much!!!! I freakn love this so much, you’re such a good bean!
~Weird Hyenas

This is my: “I’m sorry my bat-elf-boy is giving you the run around.” floof. Better lock the fridge Hiss. >:3

Look, there’s only so much illegal stuff you can get away with. First the cutes with Night Watch, now this. Look at this. Look at this illegally cute bean. It has a shark butt. A shark. butt. It uses it’s wings to move it’s ears, it likes food. THIS. IS. TOO. ILLEGAL. 

~Weird Hyenas

Bocht’ Ynort, aka “Baby Horns” is a adult dragon who strove to become the best baker the kurosian people have ever heard of. previously enlisting for the military, he couldnt get very far due to his….baby horns. While Bocht grew up to become a strong kuros, his kuronium parts did not….and bearing the shame of his cute little baby horns, he had to settle for something like baking to offset the sadness. But the cakes he makes are very tasty, so it helps.

aah i had to make one, ive been following you for a long time, much respect ;v;

Omfg, oooooomfg. I love him. I love him so much it hurts. He’s so sad and cute I want to latch onto him like a leech and feed him hugs. 

He’s perfect, he is grace. This is such a clever and funny idea for a character I LOVE HIM. Also omg you make me blush  =/)3(=

~Weird Hyenas


HAPPY BIRTHDAY @weirdlanders / @pepper-peen-queen!!! ❤️💛💚💙💜💖

You’ve been a huge inspiration to me for such a long time, and motivated me to build on my own stories and ideas. Your art is so beautiful and amazing, and when I gathered the courage to talk to you, you were extremely kind and supportive and awesome. The least I could do was make you a bday gift. Thank you so much for being my friend Weird, and I hope your birthday is a happy one!

:LSKDJF:LSKDFJ ;3; I don’t know what to say, omfg thank you so much! I know I gushed at you already for this but imma gush here too because this is so sweet it hurts? Oh my poor heart, you beautiful wonderful bean you ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ THANK YOU!!!

~Weird Hyenas

Attempt number three. I honestly don’t know what it is about Feuriah that makes her the most challenging sculpt yet. Anywho she is a fun challenge thus far. I am so freaking proud of getting her “triangles” just right. Also finally brave enough to use my Huion tablet with this program.

PSA This program is called Sculptris. It’s made by Pixologic (they made ZBrush) and is 100% free! Sadly not Open source…but hey. It’ much more intuitive than Blender

OOOOOOOOOOOO THIS IS LOOKING AMAZING!!! I got sculptris a while ago but I have so little time to experiment ;n; One day I shall, it would be SO useful for references D:< 

But this is lookin SO GOOD!!!

~Weird Hyenas