Hey! This drawing is yearsssss old and I think I tried submitting it one time, but it didn’t work 😦 Now that I finally got a tumblr I can! I could probably draw this way better now, ahaha. Anyways, I’ve always loved this blog and Feur is one of my favorite OCs ever. Thought I’d share this and I hope things with your husband go well!

AAAAAAAAW DOOOOOD I don’t remember seeing this, but thank you so, so, so very much for submitting it again! This is so cute, I just LOVE that face she’s making ahahaha she knows she badass >:3 Aw thank you hon!!!

~Weird Hyenas



@spookoofins @pepper-peen-queen

I tried to draw Koof and Feur.

Tried being the operative word. Let’s all agree that I failed and never speak of this again.

OH MY GOSH I LOVE THIS THO definitely needed to see this after the day I had <3333 THANK YOU SO MUCH HON!!!! <33333333

^^^^^^^ SAME, omg thank you so much hon I LOVE ❤ ❤ ❤

~Weird Hyenas



I doodled another dragen.

This beb belongs to my friend @spotlights-blog or you can just call em’ Wyvernz. She’s a Kuros dragon and THAT species belongs to @weirdlanders! 😀

Yep, ima feeling generous today! ;u;

Edit: according to my friend, this specific Kuro breed blogs to @spookoofins so, sorry bout that. ^^;



~Weird Hyenas, mod

No name yet but her back story


Her mother was an allus, her father was a brokt, yet despite this she is a yinvaht.

Her mother had been assigned to work an outpost in a small village that borders arkeyan territory. She lived separate of the villagers and simply did her job. However, she began to notice strange things within the village happening such as males and females raising children together.

Her mother was. A fierce warrior. Small but lethal. She had earned the right to mate by pitting herself against a rather handsome brokt in the army as well. They both fought fiercely and in the end were declared fit to mate. This they did.

While she was in Kurosia a few of the female villagers she watched over spewed vile curses at her and threatened to curse her unlaid clutch. Her mate found out and the brokt scared them off. Still the incident deeply troubled her. Unfortunately, the brokt male was called away to an unexpected attack on athrenna’s village by the arkeyans. He died shortly after her egg was laid.

The eggs was small, so her mother assumed it would be allus like herself. However the child hatched from an egg that was clearly too small and had….feathers? Not only was the child a yinvaht but she had an extra pair of fully developed front legs. And the most striking feature was her face. The top half of her head was white as bone. Her mother loved her fiercely. The villagers however, thought the child strange and even freakish.

Everything was okay for while. However after about eight years, the mother stumbled across the villagers making a deal with an arkeyan commander. The mother attacked him. SHe seriously wounded him and a few 9f the villagers. In the end, there were simply too many of them. Her mother perished that day and she had witnessed it.

They found the yinvaht girl and captured her. They did everything they could to break her and brainwash her. She was badly beaten and tortured. She called out to her gods and promised to make right what the villagers had done, if only she could escape.

After a week of this, she escaped. She killed the arkeyan as proof and took off to Kurosia with its head. She rushed to the King and queen’s castle. She could barely stay upright as she recounted her tale in front of her rulers. The queen and king took her warning seriously as she collapsed.

She was tended to until she was strong enough to walk again. That was when the queen visited her and td her that she was right. She then made the girl follow her to the arena. In the center chained up and under guard was the village leader. In cages nearby there were the other villagers.

The king looked at her and asked what she wanted. She simply told him this:

‘I merely want the bones of my mother and to serve you.’

He smirked. She was truly a kurosian in her heart and soul. He revealed that it was her uncle. He demanded she prove her loyalty by telling her to cast off her poisonous blood and kill him. She looked at him in shock, but then realized this was her gods testing her faith to them. She said to undo his chains. She would fight him. The guards did so.

She felt such fury and desire for revenge wash over her. She felt a power build up in her and she breathed her element. It was a shadow virus. It hit him hard and he suddenly started getting weaker and hallucinating. She took her time and killed him slowly. She stood there proud of herself. She called out to her gods and told them she fulfilled her promise

From that day she would dabble in alchemy as she trained o be in the elite guards of the queen and king. She become fiercely loyal and protective of her people.


She is a yinvaht but is freaking huge but thin and wirey. This is due to her father being a brokt

She is a soldier but practices magic and alchemy.

She is also learning to teach. She desires to pass her knowledge on to the next generation.

Her element is shadow but acts like a virus with various effects. Got the idea from the Shagaru Magala from Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

She wears the heaviest of armor, Trumdok, and can move with ease in it.

Her shadow virus cannot affect kuros who are not marked with the Riaocht’Nol

Her virus can have different effects, all the way up to the affected becoming her puppets. However the more potent the effect, the more it drains her

She practices necromancy in her spare time

Jebus, you put a LOT of thought into this gal, and it really really shows. Such a filled out Kuro bab and lawd her story… I gotta say it took me a few days to post this submission because I wanted to figure out just HOW I could put my appreciation of this character into words (been having so much trouble with that lately oh jeez). 

But amazing work hon, I love her thirst for vengeance and just how far she’d go to get it. Visually she’s just as interesting, beautiful balance of great story and character holy jibbles. Thank you SO VERY MUCH for sharing, she’s incredible!

~Weird Hyenas, mod


Goldie, like all badies as an army of minions, though these minions are not something you want to see or deal with.

Soldiers of many different armies, nations, and creeds can be seen in the ranks of Goldie’s army, however all of them are nothing more that husks of rotting dragons that loyaltly serve Goldie. How Goldie created their army though is  quite simple; by making armour.

Living in


and have a thirst for knowledge, Goldie saw and learned how such great armor was made. Once Kurosia fell Goldie started an Empire that would produce nearly identical armor of

Kurosia strength and light weight that could fit almost any dragon that many lands paid top coin for it.

However, the armour is a sort of trap; it will kill the wearer of the armor if the soldier did something unethical, like trying to kill innocent kids and such. The armor will kill its host and trapping their soul. They then would go to Goldie’s lair waiting to be assigned a task.

Since this has been going on for so long Goldie’s army is quite large, they act mainly robotic, and are all trained killers whose souls are nothing more then the power source for them.

The only downside to such a massive army that don’t even flinch when they are shot at is keeping them all hidden and the stench of rotting flesh. 

OOC : Omg the concept of the killer armor is freakn awesome, jebus christo. I freakn’ love this so hard, morbid in a way that fits the lore perfectly >:D this is AWESOOOME!