Here are Chef Pepper Jack *Wearing a nightshirt* and Feuriah on the bed relaxing.

Sorry if Feur’s front leg looks weird ^^;

I also drew this for WeirdHyenas’ 28th birthday, happy birthday!

Drawn on Comic Workshop 2.

Chef Pepper Jack © Activision

The Lost Queen AKA Feuriah © WeirdHyenas

Artwork © ChelseaCatGirl *That’s me*

Comic Workshop 2 © Collavier

AAAAAAW MY HEART! ;alskdjfalskdf omg thank you so very very much, this is so cuuuuuute!!! this looks so awesome hon, thank yous!

~ Weird Hyenas

Lost Queen : Feeling antsy already, but it won’t be too much longer now. I’m eager to fly and fight again, but I better wait until I don’t have to waddle everywhere. Until the egg is here, Jack’s been helpin’ me cope with my rather… un-queenly food choices >n> Somehow, I have finally grossed Kaos out with some of my favorites.


After sketching Malefor and Feuriah, I realized how fun these were to doodle and decided I’d at some point offer these as $15 commissions 8D I’ll most likely post a journal on my dA with slots at some point, would be nice to have some extra cash to bring with me to Rainfurrest this weekend! Especially after finding out my #1 art idol will be there… buying all that art *nervous cackling*

Mini Malefor shouldn’t be that cute. It’s so hard to hate something so cute, why you do dis D:

Also for the last guy uh…his name’s Gattle’Bat ^^’ He’s another OC Skylander that I just, haven’t got around to finishing his reference sheet (as his design changed TWICE after inking it -3- ). He originated from the cancelled “Awakening” thing I was doing two years ago, I doodled a few Skylanders for a comic panel and liked his design. I reworked it, and got wee Gats 8D I do hope to finish him up eventually and bring him on, he’s been a character for about 2-4 months now and he’s a fun guy, just never got around to introducing him as I was already behind on so many asks x,D But I’m always behind, so once I fix his reference, I’ll properly introduce Gat!

This is a crack pairing, not canon!

askgrimcreeper is once again to blame for these, as she originally crack shipped Chef Pepper Jack with the Queen. At first I didn’t care much for it, but she has this uncanny way of winning me over with ships x,D And boy o’ boy did she win me over with this one. Of course, it’s still a total crack ship, not canon, and the babies were made for shits’n’giggles 😀 Also, lmfao Pepperiah, that’s good x,D

askgrimcreeperoriginally designed Rocoto and Tamale, and I took my wee spin on them for funsies. We also made little bios for them, so enjoy all the crackshipping-ness!

Name : Rocoto
Gender : Male
Species : Anthro Kurosian Dragon
Breed : Shire
Relations : Son of Feuriah & Chef Pepper Jack
Role : Aspiring Villain
Element : Dark
Personality : Fairly quiet and shy, Rocoto wants nothing more than to be an evil chef like his father. He has a natural gift with preparing the evil meals with the aide of his dark abilities, however he’s extremely sensitive and easily made to cry. He’s more often than not bullied by his littler brother Tamale to the point of tears. Despite that, he still strives to follow in his papa’s footsteps as his father had eagerly taken him as his apprentice chef.

Name : Tamale
Gender : Male
Species : Dragon-like Cayenne Pepper
Relations : Son of Feuriah & Chef pepper Jack
Role : Devious Villain
Element : Fire
Personality : Short tempered, yappy, quick to fight. Because of his tiny size, Tamale makes it up with his fiery personality. Unlike his much larger brother, Tamale has no talent in the kitchen. He’s very mean spirited toward his brother, but has taken a great liking to his older sister Hysteria, helping her in schemes and plots to eventually take over Skylands.