Voteil & Skullteil

I’ve really needed to draw Voteil again, especially since he’s changed a little bit from the first time I drew him (which is here). That, and I’ve never drawn his full ghost form, dubbed “Skullteil”. Since he’ll be appearing in “Apple of his Eye”, I needed to draw a ref of sorts of his full ghost form, and updated ‘living’ form. I also updated his bio to describe Skullteil, now that he’s form is fully revealed!

Skullteil – Voteil’s true appearance after death. Kuronium skeleton accompanied by a black mist and blackened eyes. His eyes, however, can glow. Not always seen as a full skeleton, Voteil has the ability to only appear as a skull (for faster travel) or a skull with front limbs. If he appears as a full skeleton, there is a single bone that glows bright green as it is the broken bone that ended his life. Voteil greatly dislikes this form and does his best to stay in his ‘living’ form, but when asked about his death or when he gets upset in general, he loses focus and resorts back to his true appearance.

Also found a REALLY awesome font that I may use for Kurosian Text 😀 If anyone is interested in getting it themselves, here it be!

~Weird Hyenas


here we go 🙂 tonight’s batch of headshots!

the first two are the final parts of my LoS series! The Chronicler and the Soldier dragon!


dragon soldier:

the last two are a commission from Weird of Voteil in both his normal and shadow form. Tried to make them the same size, sorry if anything is off x-x I’m not good at drawing skulls.

OOC : Not only are these awesome, but AAAAAAH LITTLE VOVO LOOKS SO GOOD OMG! ;U; He looks perfect, skulls ARE a betch but you made Skullteil still adorably cute ;u; *sniffles* THank you so much! I totally suggest getting some of these peeps, she’s still taking them! Read more here!

Voteil : Not all the spirits in the city are crazed, however. Some are just spirits locked in a forever loop of their final days. If you wait by certain places, stand completely still, the spirits will visibly act out their day! Just um… don’t interact with them. If they pick up something is off, that attracts the bad ghosts…

|| Kurosian Poltergeists || Kurosian Funerals/Bhailiu summons || Cynder and Lost Queen’s Ghost Story || Havok’s Ghost Encounter ||

OOC : I just had to, sweet baby jebus.

This freakn awesome music video by mysterybensmysteryblog has taken me by storm, and gawd I CANNOT stop watching it. The animation is just jaw-droppingly kickass, the style is beautiful as hell, the timing and story is just….FUH THIS IS JUST AMAZING I CAN’T STOP WATCHING IT SEND HELP.

gadzookstd mentioned Headshot in a post with Lewis (skeleton dude), and by jebus that centaur would adore him. A fellow neckless man with a skull for a face and bobbin to a fantastic tune? Let the head bobbin commence~

If you haven’t seen the video yet, PLEASE DO! It’s got a wonderful tune by Mystery Skulls, and like I’ve blabbed the video itself is just fun to watch. 

May Odin give me the strength to resist drawing an ungodly amount of fanart for this video

~Weird Hyenas, Mod

Hysteria, do you ever have problems with the spirits haunting the castle and city?

Hysteria : Not at all. The castle has been cleaned out of those pests for the most part, and I’m not stupid enough to wonder down into the city like my twit of a brother. They’re pretty easy to ignore, though during some quiet nights I can hear them howling in pain. It’s a nice lullaby ❤

You said earlier that there where lots of spirits haunting your city. Could you please tell us about the scariest, most spooky spirit you’ve ever seen? If it’s okay to ask…

Lost Queen : Well, if you reeeeally want to know.

Before Cynder and I had freed the spirits from my castle, we were wondering one of the many vast halls looking for signs of the spirits; usually you hear whispers, or see faint blue spheres of smokey light. We eventually came to a dead end, in which we saw six dark spots on the ground, all in a single file line. We hadn’t yet come across black spots, but the whispers indicated that spirits were about. 

We quickly heard a woman groaning, it was faint, but it drew us closer to the spots. The closure we got, the black spot closest to us started to squirm. Cynder went ahead of me, as she was the one who was skilled enough to successfully aide the spirits into passing on. But the moment she came to stand beside the dark spot, the hall began to smell of ash, and I felt my tail being tugged. It felt like the tug of a child, wanting the attention of it’s mother, so I quickly turned. But of course, I saw nothing.

I turned back to find Cynder floating in the air, her head twisted up and her mouth agape. There was a dark spot right underneath her maw, where the neck and jaw met, and I instantly recognized it as an stake execution. You see, Arkeyains and Apes alike often used to impale Kurosians on stakes by their throats, as it’s the softest parts of our bodies. It was a slow way to die, but of course the Arkeyains and Apes liked that type of execution. Cynder wasn’t impaled but by the way she hung in the air mimicked that of what I saw during Kurosia’s fall.

I quickly ran to her, but before I could get her down all six black spots shot into the air and, like Cynder, hung like caught fish. They flailed, wailed in gurgled voices, until my ears felt like they would burst. I did my best to ignore the screams to get my daughter down. The moment I touched her, I somehow opened my eyes and found myself in the kitchen, pouring Cynder a cup of tea.

She seemed just as shocked as I was to see each other, so much so I dropped the tea kettle. We were alerted to Glumshanks, who apparently had been standing just outside the kitchen, watching us.

He explained that we had been missing for well over two weeks, and he just so happened to walk into the kitchen to see the two of us sitting and speaking in Kurosian. While that is normal for me, Cynder had yet to learn our language. 

We’ve never been able to re-find that hallway to cleanse it. I’m not sure if that’s the ‘creepiest’ story I have, but it’s definitely one of the most unnerving.