The Nictitating Membrane is a transparent third eyelid seen in most dragons. It is used to protect the dragon’s eyes while in flight from wind and debris.
Like Hysteria, Havok has fully functional nictitating eyelids. They can be seen many times after he blinks, and every once in a while one of them won’t draw back, causing the hybrid slight annoyance as he blinks a few times to fix it. He cannot control them as they naturally close over for protection for when he flies, bright lights flash, or when he’s about to breathe fire. He can still see just fine when they slide over. 

Hysteria also has the third pair of eyelids, but hers are more rarely seen as they appear to slide back more quickly than Havoks. They also seem to be thinner and less noticeable. 

OOC : I’ve always loved imagining Havok blinking and his third pair of eyelids sliding over his eyes ;u; I adore seeing them with owls and reptiles, so I made not just Hov but Hysteria and the Queen have them too. I was in a little bit of a block, so I had some fun and did a wee little animation. Enjoy!

OOC : I just had to, sweet baby jebus.

This freakn awesome music video by mysterybensmysteryblog has taken me by storm, and gawd I CANNOT stop watching it. The animation is just jaw-droppingly kickass, the style is beautiful as hell, the timing and story is just….FUH THIS IS JUST AMAZING I CAN’T STOP WATCHING IT SEND HELP.

gadzookstd mentioned Headshot in a post with Lewis (skeleton dude), and by jebus that centaur would adore him. A fellow neckless man with a skull for a face and bobbin to a fantastic tune? Let the head bobbin commence~

If you haven’t seen the video yet, PLEASE DO! It’s got a wonderful tune by Mystery Skulls, and like I’ve blabbed the video itself is just fun to watch. 

May Odin give me the strength to resist drawing an ungodly amount of fanart for this video

~Weird Hyenas, Mod