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S͚̮̬͓̭̮ͨͧͣ̊͂ͦ͝c̃̎ͭ̓̈͢ē̘̺ͪ͆̃ͫ̀̚a̰̥̖̝̰͡’̠̺̱̓̈́̒l̨͓̼̻̘̹̳̅ͧ̆͋e͍̼̥͈̫̰̪ͮ̒̍̅i̤̠̮͓̦ͬ̌̅́̉̊t̴̞̣ḧ̲͖̝̱͓͖͍ͬ̒̌̆͡ ͙̙̩̬̼͚͖B̷̗ͫ̄͆ͩ̓͂r̴̯̩̳̊̿͆̅̍̚̚ě̤̜̳̦̠ͨ̿͒͝a̛?͕̺͉̠̗̿͟


((Suu-on-say-meh-th)), is the goddess of sleep, dreams, and of course nightmares. Believed to be shadow like dragoness who is often depicted with her eyes closed, sewn shut, or with no eyes at all, and a pair of arms curled near her snout, her wings almost fairy like and robes covering her body. This Goddess is also thought of to have foresight abilities, and relays prophecies to the people in dreams. While some think of her as a Goddess that cannot inflict actual harm, this isn’t true. Meith is also responsible for sleep paralysis, and can sometimes even cause death. Victims that die while in a dream caused by her are said to have their souls collected. If she favors a Kuros, she grants them a dream of a dead friend, relative, etc.

Her myth was when Mahoura saw that those of light were escaping their fears with dreams, she sought to seek balance in the sleeping realms. So she birthed a dark creature to venture into that safe haven of dreams. 

Suancae’Meith can only be found in the realm of dreams, one must be asleep to see or speak to her. This goddess is believed to be the source of all nightmare creatures and even the dream dragons that the Skylander Blackout originated from.

B-day Gift : Scarf of the Gods

“There are tales of a mighty dragon who braved the nest of the Yehkshir. With his majestic scarf, it is said that he swooned the evil Goddesses from causing him harm. Many have tried this feat but have failed, ‘twas only the impeccable charm of this hero and his trusty scarf that has ever walked away from the nest lavished in dark kisses.”

Birthday gift for @thornacious featuring Inbarrnán (Yehkshir believed to be responsible for giving Kuros the water ability), Yahvii (Feuriah’s mommah) and some random normal Yehkshir! 

Hope you had a wonderful birthday you buttfart!

~Weird Hyenas, Mod

Lost Queen : If it does, nobody knows for sure. There are many legends and tales about Bhailiu, some say it has no bones, that it is just darkness taking the owl gryphon’s form. While others say that it’s true form has black bones, like it’s talons and beak.

One legend tells of a very stubborn King who refused to accept his death. When Bhailiu came for his soul, he stood up to it and challenged it for the right to live again. Bhailiu then changed it’s form; sprouting dozens of long, spider like arms, it’s head twisted upside down while it’s jaws opened all the way along the neck, and rows of black, glistening teeth grew within the abyss of it’s mouth. It lunged and swallowed the stubborn King up, shifted back to normal, and flew back to the Veil.

Personally, I’ve never seen Bhailiu do this, and the most I saw this awe striking God do was shift sizes and sing. It is also said to speak in both a male and female voice, but again, I’ve never seen it.

|| Kurosian Gods || Bhailiu’s Story || Other Bhailiu Posts ||

Lost Queen : I remember the day he came from the Veil. He was massive, larger than any normal dragon, giving him the appearance of over a thousand years old, and the strength to prove it. He filled the city with the greatness of his power, his aura, stunning all that gazed upon him. He held himself in an unbridled confidence, like he truly believed he was what our people had been waiting for. A God. A new God to lead the remnants of our people to salvation and greatness. 

When I first saw him, I was intimidated, but not for a single second did I believe he was what this prophecy claimed. He was no God, I saw it in his eyes. He cared not for our people, we were tools to him. Blind, worshipping tools he could bend to his will. He was a powerful dragon, but that was all; just, a dragon.

Lost Queen : Oh yes, the Brokt has the most Gods actually, but then again, Brokt were VERY common Kuros. There were the Guardian Gods, then the Blacksmithing God who is also Brokt. Not every breed has their own major God, I’ve only spoken about a handful but we do have plenty of other lessor deities (sort of like Bhailiu is to the Yinvaht). But let’s see… there was another Goddess that I always found incredibly fascinating, yet one of the most terrifying of the Gods.

Adanbarinthen, also called “Araudan”, is a deep sea Goddess that lives in every form of water among the Kurosian mountains. She keeps to the deepest, blackest waters more so than commune with the people. Sort of like Breithonakt, who kept to himself and his duties. And, like Breithonakt, there are very few depictions of Araudan since she can change her form, but she’s rumored to look similar to some deep sea creatures with mossy, underwater tree branches along her body. She has, like most of our gods, multiple arms that are long and spindly ,with two of the longest and biggest arms being near her head.

To all but the Kuros, she can be the very embodiment of water fears, as she loved to torment her victims by tickling their legs while they swam. Then, when they were scared enough, she’d pull them under to the blackest parts of the waters only to drown as she forced them to stare into her apparently hideous face, with only the luminescence of her skin and teeth lighting it up.

Her tale is that when Skylands began to form seas and lakes, those of Light and good would hide in the watery depths from evil. Mahoura saw the need to fix this imbalance, and with the aide of her children (the other Gods), she created Adanbarinthen to bring darkness to the water. Araudan started as a tiny sea dragon, but as she learned the fears of others, evolved her body to bring the most terror. She can travel to any body of water not purified by Light, but is known to stay among the Kurosian mountains the most.

After her creation, Adanbarinthen laid a single egg. That egg hatched into Inbarrnán, the blue and black Yehshire believed to be the one to give Kuros the water ability.

Kuros with water abilities often worshiped Adanbarinthen so they could master the evils of water like she. She’s over-eager to do so to not just the Kurosian people, but any being of evil and darkness. However, she won’t reach out on her own. Kuros with water abilities had to study in colleges and cities built around large bodies of water that held special temples to contact her. Within Kurosia, there was a single college with a temple within it as a last resort when less and less cities survived. 

Araudan was often rumored to be very mischievous and playful in her own sick way. Taunting her victims, and even playfully scaring her own worshipers. She has been known to giggle, though it’s no pleasing sound. She can mimic other underwater creatures, as well as people. 

I’ve never met Araudan, but she was one of the most interesting goddesses. I loved studying her and reading all the stories about her. I still have a lot of them in my personal library, if I’m seen reading a book, it’s usually about her. 

OOC : This is actually a god I’ve been dying to make, because I AM VERY MUCH AFRAID OF SWIMMING IN LAKE WATER. This god, I knew from the start, was going to embody that fear of mine. It all stemmed from when I was a kid swimming in a lake, saw a tree in the middle of the lake, swam up to it only to look down and realize the tree was upside down in the water so far I couldn’t see it’s top. It’s limbs were covered in algae and looked more like shriveled corpse arms reach up to me. Sufficed to say, I was scarred for life x,D Ever since, I imagined lakes were infested with dead bodies. I wouldn’t say I have a phobia, but lakes make me nervous and I will avoid swimming in them.

I was very uncomfortable the ENTIRE time I drew this thing, and that’s exactly what I wanted. I kept myself on edge the whole time, not too much to cause any severe anxiety, but enough so I translated that uncomfortable feeling to 

Araudan. I had tons of pictures of Dragon Fish, which were the main inspiration, and lots of other deep sea creatures. I also listened to creepy underwater noises, and an hour long video of whale calls. I find deep sea creatures fascinating and I looooove reading and watching videos about them, even if it scares me. 

So, ENJOY! 😀


WIP Mahoura – Dragon Goddess of Love

((Maa-aura)) is the Goddess of Love. It was once thought to be very strange for the Kurosian people to have such a Goddess, but the term ‘love’ isn’t quite the same. Mahoura represents the love of thy own people, the tie that bonds the Kuros together. She is thought of to be the first Yehkshir, therefor the mother of the species as a whole. She is the smallest of the Gods, often portrayed as an eastern styled dragon with countless arms along her body. Her head, although small and slender, is crowned with a triceratops like frill with complex holes carved in peaceful designs with blood gems scattered along them and her body. Her main statue, which is held in a large temple in the middle of the city (or the heart), is also adored with a flowing mane. She is said to be present in every Kurosian when they feel connected to their people, the feeling of pride and love is her. 

OOC : Um, I don’t think I ever shared this here. O-oops o-o’’’

This originally was my first go at Mahoura. I’m still not happy with how she looks, even though it was never finished. I’ll go back to it one day, drawing Mahoura is quite the feat and since she’s pretty much the ultimate God of the Kurosian people, I want to be more satisfied with her appearance.

But it’s worth sharing! I can’t believe I forgot to share ;n;

Lost Queen : The Mahourian Brothers and Sisters were the most holy of all the priests and priestesses. Mahoura was believed to be our first God, therefor, the mother of all the other Gods and of us as a species. She is not the most powerful, but the most sacred.

To be a brother or sister within the walls of Mahoura’s temple is to completely give yourself to her teachings and to your people in a way most Kurosians could not. They dedicated their lives to the scriptures to educate our people of not just Mahoura, but also the Yehkshir and basic knowledge of the other Gods. The lead priest or priestess had a chair in the Dark Circle, which consisted of all the lead religious heads of each temple to provide the King and Queen advice and offer their services for battles.

To give yourself to the temple is incredibly noble and admirable, and to be honest… if I could not become Queen, I would have either worked to be a Scribe of the court, or a Mahourian Sister.

Mahourian brothers and sisters did not fight in war. Instead, they’d linger at the camps to help give wounded soldiers moral support, and to fill them with Mahoura’s love and essence. They would also help end suffering of those soldiers too wounded to survive. 

They were not chosen by Mahoura persay, nor are they granted with special abilities. Rather, it’s an incredible love of their own people. Those that wish nothing more than to preserve what was our people, and to help them, became Mahourian. The Mahourian temple was also very closely linked to hospitals and other healing factions, such as medical education and colleges. Most doctors were Mahourian, but not all.

|| Kurosian God Info || Brujin Priests ||