Havok : He was right, despite being betrayed by Wolfgang. Both Dr. Krankcase and I were captured. I remember nothing of what happened after falling down the stairs, or the days after. The next time I woke up, my father was at my side. We sort of… made up, after the fight we had. 

I don’t think I was at the Skylanders Academy for long. I vaguely remember meeting a few others and some Skylanders… well in the sense of me NOT attacking them. It was… very, very weird. And wrong, being helped by ‘good guys’. I was thankful in a way, I even got along with a few of the ones that were curious enough to visit me, but I was honest with them. No matter how much they helped me, when all of this cleared up; I would be their enemy again. It’s my place. Apparently, Buzz didn’t like that, and was already prepping a cell for me to stay in when I was well enough.

But thankfully, Kaos freed my mother, and while they plotted to turn on the Skylanders, Hysteria escorted me back to Kurosia. We were to wait until they won the final battle, as I was far, far too sick to be around for it.

And we all know how that went…

|| Part 1 || Part 2 [this post] || Part 3 || Part 4 ||

|| Part 1 [this post] || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 ||

OOC : SORRY FOR MOSTLY TEXT!!! I’m finally getting around to explaining what exactly happens during the events of Trap Team, but of course, Weirdlanderized. I’ve already explained what happened on… dA I think, BUT I’m just now drawing visuals. Not too many because… oh lawd, it’s hefty. I even had to make this post two parts -3-

I pretty much take that the events of Trap Team all happen within half a year, or shorter. Feur and kids don’t play part until after Kaos has his little ‘evil-off’ with the Golden Queen. For this ask, I decided to take the point from Havok, and for part three (which is Hysteria’s answer as to how they rescued their parents) takes place in Hysteria’s place. 

ENJOY! After these few posts, I’ll finally get through some trap team answers ^u^ Then probably Reave because… his plot needs attention too o-o’