Havok : Honestly I wanted to be sarcastic with this, probably retort about my brother Viril or a few of my other friends. But I realized I rarely talked about my Stormee, and I really should talk about her more…

I’ve known Stormee since we were kids, and even in the beginning I felt no urge to be mean to her or bully her (which, when I was a kid, was like the only thing I did to others. I still kinda do that, but now I’m a threat). She was really fun to hang out with, and she came up with the best prank ideas. Hell, she made Eruptor vomit rainbows! 

Eventually her parents found we were hanging out, which obviously didn’t sit well with them. We still hung out from time to time behind their backs, as my parents didn’t care all that much. But As time wore on our interests ended up splitting us apart; I wanted to become a serious villain, and she a skylander. So for years we didn’t see each other, that was until we were both late teenagers. We ended up hitting it off like old times, but it took us till it was too late to realize that we were falling in love with each other. 

We both didn’t take it well at first; it’s obvious our relationship wouldn’t work. We tried our best to fight it and just be friends, but nothing we did could prevent it. I tried chasing more females, but I found that they were starting to bore me. I missed Stormee’s laugh, her humor, her spazzy personality, so I ended up going to her simply for her company. Hell it took till I was in my early twenties till I gave up the fight and admitted I had been smitten, and stopped chasing other women. I embraced it while she had a more obvious reason to be weary; she was moving up in the Skylander world. So we kept our love a secret, well as secretive as we could. 

So, yeah, eventually I do get a ‘special friend’. It takes me a while to stop making mistakes by her to learn what love really is, and be only with her. So my usual asks are probably more from my younger… more promiscuous self, back when I was still naive enough to think love was below me. But hey, who could resist that snake like speech impediment and haunting laugh? 

Stormee© – Ask-WhirlRoaster