I didn’t want to change to much since he is your boi but just a few minor design changes so he still looks like cynders father. ;w; if I have time I’ll probs change what I did a little bit if I can come back to this. The top page is also involved with the design but we’re just quick concepts for the head

Holy jebus tho, I…love this O_O like, so much about it, how stocky and rough he looks. That’s still totally going for the look I wanted for him, yet altering it in a way that still looks like him. Dooood, these sketches are amazing and helpful, I love your ideas for him!!! Also your style yet again I must gush over for a moment I LOVE HOW YOU DREW HIS FACEY *ahem*

Beautiful work and concepts, they’ve definitely in the vein that I was going for too ;u; Thank you!!!!

~Weird Hyenas