Here’s a “Draw your Squad” pic I drew for Weirdie being her OT3 being Kaos X Lost Queen X Chef Pepper Jack!

It’s based off the screenshot from one of the episodes of the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, and that pose and expression, boy that pose and expression Billy, that fits Kaos PERFECTLY OMG! And considering the fact that Kaos and Billy share the same voice actor named Richard Steven Horvitz.

And here’s the original image!

Kaos and Chef Pepper Jack © Activision

Feuriah the Lost Queen © Weird Hyenas

The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy © Maxwell Atoms

Artwork © ChelseaCatGirl (That’s me)

OOC : HA! Omg this is hilarious, now there’s a show I miss x,D Lmfao thank you!

Lost Queen : Oh Spirits, we joke a lot but we’re just friends. We get along very well, he’s great company and he knows old Kurosian recipes that keep me coming back to his kitchen. It’s just easy for our joking to be taken more seriously when they’re all ‘hot’ related. I feel that the rumors are more to anger Kaos, which I’ll add to if he decides to be a pain.

Havok : It’s been a few years since Hiss and I freed our parents and hired a few of the past Doom Raiders, but things are settled down pretty quick after everything. Hiss and I rescued Chef Pepper Jack, Dr. Krankcase, the Gulper, and the Chompy Mage, leaving the Golden Queen, Wolfgang, and Dreamcatcher behind. I heard they eventually broke out too, but the Golden Queen would have to be crazy to try and take us on now.

The Gulper and Chompy Mage are far down the pecking order. Personally, I don’t care much for most of them. Krank I’m respecting more and more the longer he works for my mother and learns what it really means to work for an evil Queen. Jack seems to make my mom happy with his food and company, and since he wasn’t there when I was captured, he’s safe from most of the ill will I feel towards the Raiders. Same with Chompy Mage and Gulper. Kaos and the Chompy Mage argue sometimes, but they’re getting along more and more as time passes. 

The Golden Queen… I’d happily call her what I did again, and again, and again. Dreamcatcher I hear is quite fond of me, but is sticking by her cowardly Queen. Wolfgang is on his own after turning his back on the Queen, though he does show up from time to time. He and I fight quite a lot; he’s certainly regretting cutting off my tail now that my new one shoots lasers and spikes.

Hysteria avoids all of them, but Jack. It’s weird… even she likes spending time with him too. Seems like Jack’s cooking can bring even Hiss to his side. He’s more than happy to feed her, though I can tell my father gets fairly jealous of how fatherly Jack can be to Hiss at times. The other villains have sparked up rumors about Jack and my mother being a thing, but it’s all to tease Kaos, and Spirits does it work. My mother doesn’t take it seriously, my dad can get selfish at times and even she will tease him if he forgets himself. 

|| Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 (this post) ||