Lost Queen, this is a serious question. Does it bother you to know that your mate is human and your children half-human? What I mean by that is, you’re a full-blooded dragon; you are going to live a lot longer than they will. Kaos being the first to die of old age, seeing as he’s pure human. Your offspring will live longer than he, but not by much. A good 200-300 years before they give up their ghosts. Eventually… you will be alone once more.

Lost Queen : This might seem strange but… no. Kurosian relationships don’t often feel love, but if they do, they must realize that most Kuros don’t live past 200. They often die in battle. You must cherish every second of your time with your mate, for you never know when they’ll pass. Your time might be short with them, so appreciate them while they’re still with you.

It’s the same with Kaos. Yes… I love him, and it might be weird for a dragon to love a human. I love him for his confidence, and our history of being rejected. We feed off each other, and we might fight a lot, but we need each other. He’s an odd human, but I love every second with him. Humans live longer in Skylands, but not as long as dragons. I don’t expect to outlive Kaos that long, but while I’m with him, I appreciate every moment with him. He’s treated me better than Kurogh ever hoped to, hell Kaos saved my life before. Our relationship is strange to most, but we love each other for who we are. We were gifted to have children, and they are the result of our unity. Weird for a villain to speak this way but… it’s my thoughts. I love my children with all my heart, wether they’re half-breed or not. They are strong, gifted children.

I may eventually be alone again, but I don’t expect I’ll be alone for long.