
Skylanders Feuriah! Thanks to ShaloneSk’s design, I’ve had doodle fever during my classes! Great distractions from the crazy amount of stress @.@

Finally got ahold of a copy of the original Skylanders, so finally I can play it and get a better understanding of it. I still dislike it for many reasons (mostly dealing with Activision…ugh), but not for the game itself. Gotta say I’m pretty excited 🙂

As for Feuriah in Skylanders, I’ve decided that instead of being all nice and motherly like she is in FD, she’s nasty and evil, and a queen to boot. I’ve also decided to continue with the old crack pairing that Razz and I did a while back, so Feur and Kaos end up being an item ;D As for Cynder being their kiddo, that’s unclear. The joke is still there tho, muwahaha! 

Its going to take me a while to actually get a good skylanders style x.o