After peeking at his old ref, I had the sudden urge to update it. Somehow, finished it in one night. Why can’t I do this with everything ;n; Slightly updated his info a lil bit. I gotta do Raigur’Ja too eventually ;u; 

Name : Kruta Bur’vok
Age : 87 (at time of death)
Species : Yinvaht, Kuros
Family : Youngest son of King Burdohk and Queen Athrenna
Ideal Voice Actor : BD Wong, “Shang from Mulan”
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Abilities : Air and Earth combined in a dangerous array of sandstorms, or dust storms. Using his wings to create gusts of stinging sand, or blinding dust. While he was formidable in combat, Kruta preferred his studies than actual fighting.

Personality : Calm and collected, but easily agitated. Kruta was known to be a book-worm, studying war tactics with dreams of becoming a professor. While being the son of the King and Queen, Kruta was not known to boast about his bloodline. He was respectful unless his intelligence was demeaned.

History : Kruta was born in a large clutch to Queen Athrenna and King Burdohk. He was the youngest male to hatch, and was often picked on by his older siblings. So much so, that his eldest sister got too rough during a skirmish and bit off his toe… and ate it. However, Kruta didn’t allow the bullying to bother him, and as he grew he learned to use his intellect to benefit his people. He still grew to dislike fighting and using strength to get what one wants.

As he enters the colleges, he ends up meeting Feuriah, a female Shire set on becoming the next Queen. Quickly, the two became friends, as he grew to respect that she wished to learn how to be the best Queen by going the hardest route; decades of schooling and training, instead of simply trying to grow stronger to kill the Queen and take her place. The two worked together to study, often found sparring and testing each other.

But, the fateful day came when Kruta and Feuriah are recruited into their first real battle. The two were put in the same squad, even flying beside each other, when Kruta was struck by a flamed stone from the enemy, decapitating him.


  • Kruta was not the romantic type openly (of course, true love is illegal in Kurosian culture); however, his guilty pleasure was reading romance novels. Novels that often demonized love in exaggerated fashions.
  • Kruta had a heavy dislike of the Silverwings, mostly assuming that they were more meat-heads than intelligent warriors. While he was friends with Raigur’Ja, the two fought more than were friends.
  • Kruta was very close with his mother, often telling her of Feuriah’s progress.
  • He was Feuriah’s first Mjol, Kurosian equivalent of ‘boyfriend’
  • Kruta didn’t care for children. He was willing to have some as per tradition in the culture, but did not want any part of raising children. He didn’t dislike them, he simply had little interest. Instead, he enjoyed educating adult Kuros.
  • For the life of him, Kruta could not tell jokes. He’d always mess up the delivery, and Raigur’Ja enjoyed mocking Kruta playfully for it.
  • After he died, Raigur’Ja delivers Feuriah a gift Kruta had left for her if the battle hadn’t gone well. It was a book he had tried to get her to read for years, inside was one of his own feathers as a bookmark. Feuriah cherished this book and kept it with her even up to the Fall. Somehow, the book survived the Fall, and it was one of the many books Cynder stole from Kurosia to secretly give to Hugo to study. Cynder had no idea the emotional attachment Feuriah had with the book.

Lost Queen : I have so many memories of Kurosia before The Fall. Many, many nights spent at my favorite local pub with Kruta and Raigur’ja. It was a weekly thing for years upon years, yet… it never got old. Kruta would always bring his studies with him, Raigur would come for the food. We’d swap stories about our week, and Raigur would boast about what he did among the Silverwings, much to Kruta’s annoyance. 

Ahaha, Raigur would always, without fail, try to wean me into studying to be a Silverwing instead. He didn’t doubt my abilities, instead that’s what brought him to me. Every night we’d have our hangout the two would squabble about it, Kruta insistent that my education was far more important than muscling my way to the top. 

Despite this, there was always that time of the night where we’d just laugh, sing our favorite songs, embarrass each other…I miss it. But I know those days are long, long gone. All I can do now is look back at these memories with a smile, celebrate the life those two had, and appreciate the experiences they gave me. We all have to look toward the future, even if it seems bleak, and appreciate what’s around us in the now.


OOC : Happy new year everybooty! Here’s to a new, better year for everyone ❤

Lost Queen : It certainly wasn’t… pleasant. But no, I was much more in control of my powers back then. I had trained for decades for a situation such as that, but it happened just so… suddenly. One moment I was smiling at him, ready to take on our first real fight, the next… gone. But I had to listen to my orders, so I continued with the attack under command of our sergeants. I did fight as hard as I could to avenge Kruta’s death, I can assure you.

OOC : I actually really liked how the doodle came out, so after finishing the flats for a commission, I decided to give this pic a shading job. The Queen’s described Kruta already, but I went ahead and made a little character description for him ^u^ enjoy!

Name : Kruta Bur’vok
Age : 87 (at time of death)
Breed : Yinvaht Kuros, “Feathered Kuros”
Family : Youngest son of King Burdohk and Queen Athrenna
Ideal Voice Actor : BD Wong, “Shang from Mulan”
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Abilities : Wind. Kruta’s abilities were sandstorms, or dust storms. Using his wings to create gusts of wind that consisted of stinging sand, or blinding dust. While he was formidable in combat, Kruta preferred his studies than actual fighting.

Personality : Calm and collected, but easily agitated. Kruta was known to be a book-worm, studying war tactics with dreams of becoming a professor. While being the son of the King and Queen, Kruta was not known to boast about his bloodline. He was respectful unless his intelligence was demeaned. 

History : Kruta was born in a large clutch to Queen Athrenna and King Burdohk. He was the youngest male to hatch, and was often picked on by his older siblings. So much so, that his eldest sister got too rough during a skirmish and bit off his toe… and ate it. However, Kruta didn’t allow the bullying to bother him, and as he grew he learned to use his smarts to benefit his people. 

As he enters the colleges, he ends up meeting Feuriah, a female Kuros bent on becoming the next Queen. Quickly, the two became friends, as he grew to respect that she wished to learn how to be the best Queen by going the hardest route; decades of schooling and training, instead of simply trying to grow stronger to kill the Queen and take her place. The two work together to study, often found sparring and testing each other. 

But, the fateful day came when Kruta and Feuriah are recruited into their first real battle. The two were put in the same squad, even flying beside each other, when Kruta was struck by a missile from the enemy, decapitating him.


  • Kruta was not the romantic type openly (of course, true romance as described in other cultures was not the same as Kurosian romance); however, his guilty pleasure was reading romance novels
  • Kruta had a heavy dislike of the Silverwings, mostly assuming that they were more meat-heads than intelligent warriors. While he was friends with Raigur’Ja, the two fought more than were friends
  • Kruta was very close with his mother, often telling her of Feuriah’s progress 
  • If love was more acceptable in Kurosian culture, Feuriah and Kruta would have fallen in love, and possibly would have become mates. Instead, the two become Mjol and Mjia, the Kurosian equivalent of a boyfriend and girlfriend.
  • Kruta’s speech was very articulate
  • Favorite food was the same as Feuriah’s, which was seafood. Crawfish in particular
  • Kruta didn’t care for children. He was willing to have some as per tradition in the culture, but did not want any part of raising children. He didn’t dislike them, he simply had little interest. Instead, he enjoyed educating adult Kuros.
  • Kruta was deathly afraid of Uka, Kuros-eating bat creatures that lived in the mountains surrounding their city. In turn, he was also fearful of bats.
  • For the life of him, Kruta could not tell jokes. He’d always mess up the delivery

Lost Queen : Ha! I’m surprised you noticed, honestly it took me a while to notice myself. I could tell he wasn’t all that keen on talking about it, and for a time I thought it happened some tragic way. After all, missing limbs was VERY common in our culture. Sometimes Kuros bragged about them, sometimes they’d rather not speak of it. Kruta seemed almost embarrassed by it, and yeah, it was odd that he just had a single toe missing and not his whole foot. It took a while for our friendship to grow enough for him to ignore Raigur’s teasing to tell me.

Turns out, one of his nestmates just got too rough when he was a whelp and bit it off and ate it. 

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Lost Queen : Kruta! Ah yes Kruta, he was one of my closest friends when I was in training. I mentioned him before, but I can happily speak more of him.

He and I got along very, very well. He wanted to become a Professor, which put him in my advanced training unit as myself. I took as many courses possible to gain as much experience as I could, and this put me in a special course that the Queen’s very son was taking part in.

We were both very determined dragons, of course it was expected of him to strive to be the best given that his parents were the King and Queen. I became friends with Raigur’Ja shortly after meeting Kruta, and the two couldn’t be any more different. Kruta and I were often study/training buddies, so we spent a LOT of time together. He was very smart, cunning, but very quick to anger. We didn’t argue much, but when we did, it always resorted to a sparring match. No matter who won, we’d usually go out to a treat shop afterwards, haha xD

I mentioned before that Kruta and Raigur were different… and very much so. Both were very proud dragons, we all hung out from time to time but the two would bicker like mad. Raigur would often try to persuade me from studying to be Queen and to instead become a Silverwing, which would anger Kruta since he mostly thought Silverwings were just arrogant, un-educated meatheads. I can’t tell you how many times they’d fight -n-’

Kruta was my first real Mjol, or ‘boyfriend’, we just got along so well that I ended up truly enjoying the times we spent together. Love was of course heavily frowned upon, but if it hadn’t been, I’m very sure Kruta would have been my first love. 

But sadly… at our very first real battle with a legion of air pirates, Kruta was hit by a missile that blew his head clean off his shoulders. I remember nodding to him, then looking away just as the missile flew by my helmet. It had missed me by a talon, but struck Kruta instead.

For years, I kept one of his feathers as a bookmark for my studybooks. I used it as a reminder to never forget him, to keep going to be the best damn Queen Kurosia ever had. He believed I could do it, he never let up on me when I doubted myself. Even after his death, if I questioned my will, I’d always hear his voice in the back of my mind to never give up. He was my inner training coach, I suppose. Heh, the day I became Queen, I could swear I felt him watching me from the Veil, smiling with pride. 

I found a book during the time Cynder was staying with me that had Kruta’s feather in it. I didn’t tell her, or show her; our relationship was still too fresh for me to share such a tender memory, but oh the joy and happiness I felt when I found it. Sadly, though… the book went missing shortly after, actually quite a few books did. I just believe that I had imagined finding his feather…

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