OOC : Got the excuse to draw up Krypt’s living form, and I had to take it 8D Especially after getting askgrimcreeper obsessed with him too… REVENGE IS SO SWEET!

It was Lizzy’s idea to give this guy a living form for shits’n’giggles, and so, BAYUM living bara dragon hunter came to be. The blade he has in his hand is a special weapon made of Kuronium specifically made to deliver devestating blows to Kuros, which Krypt’s fellow warriors were bred and trained to do. More details of his re-written bio is linked below 😀

~Weird Hyenas

|| All Krypt King Related Asks || Weirdlanders Krypt King bio ||

Krypt King : The stronger villains were often looked after by the Trap Masters; I was assigned the Lost Queen as I had been the one to defeat and trap her. I know how they work, their body language, and how to quickly take one down if I needed to. 

Though, I always had her trap in hand, so if I felt she was even thinking of escape; back into the trap she went. It took a few weeks for her to calm down enough to be kept out of her trap or cell for a few hours a day, and she knew full well the capabilities of a Kurosian dragon hunter. By the scar on her side, I can tell she was attacked by one not too long ago. I could be wrong, though. Didn’t care enough to ask.

Weirdlanders take on Krypt King

Before Krypt King’s backstory was released, I saw his official art and immediately got excited for possible theories for him. I couldn’t quite remember, but I think his concept art was released at some point too, and I-Wei Huang’s original idea of him being like a “Chop Chop Daddy” just made me think of Krypt being like some sort of heavy duty warrior trained to handle the Arkeyans’ most lethal enemies. What was their greatest enemies? Ahahaha yiss, the Kurosians.

I was a bit unhappy with his backstory when it was released, but decided to instead just have a different take on this very awesome Trap master. Similar, but different. His design is not the same as the in-game model on purpose too. I LOVED I-Wei Huang’s concept arts of him so I’m actually sticking closer to his original concepts. 

To read on not just Krypt King’s concept back stories, but the many MANY others I-Wei Huang designed, I totally say check out his blog. I will ink the specific post I often peek at just because I loooove behind the scenes kinds of things, seeing what artists do to come up with their ideas and what inspirations they get is just the best!

|| I-Wei Huang’s Blog || Krypt King Post || Original Krypt King Bio ||

Nickname – Krypt King
Real Name – Unknown
Species – Arkeyan Spirit Knight
Gender – Male
Element – Undead
Past : Kurosian Dragon Hunter, specializing in combat
Now : Trap Master & Skylander

Personality – When not on duty, Krypt King can be quite mischievous. Using the inexpensiveness of his face and ability to keep completely quiet, he often plays little pranks on his fellow Skylanders and Trap Masters. He has a monotone type of humor, but naturally is quite eager to make others laugh.

However, when on duty, Krypt completely changes. He becomes alert, vigilant, and rarely speaks unless needed. At least, when he deals with the Lost Queen. While on duty with the Lost Queen, Krypt keeps at least one of his three eyes on her at all times and watches for the smallest signs of an attack no matter how cunning and sly on her part. 

History – In life, Krypt King was known by his now unknown birth name. Alive during the time of the Giants and the height of Arkeyan strength, Krypt was birthed into a life that had already been decided for him. He was to be trained as an apex warrior to fight the Arkeyan’s greatest enemy; The Kurosian Dragons. The Kuros were plentiful in his time, and the Arkeyan leaders demanded their precious bones to continue to make their machines and armor. They trained specialized warriors to trap and combat the unique dragons in the most efficient, deadly ways.

Growing up, Krypt had amazing strength and surpassed any test laid before him. He felt no guilt for taking down the evil dragons to harvest the bones, proud to serve his people and aide in their advancement. He was given high ranks, and was soon served under a general during one of the largest, most dangerous raids. The village was situated upon one of the steepest parts of the black mountains, but Krypt was not afraid. The raid, however, took a dastardly turn for the worst.

The battle was long and bloody, both sides losing more and more until Krypt felt true fear for the first time. He had cornered a frightened Kuros when he saw his leader brave leader fall to the Kurosian’s wrath. Now just as scared as the Kuros at the end of his blade, he listened as the black dragon offered him a deal. He would fly Krypt King away from the fight if he swore to let the dragon live. Krypt King agreed, and rode upon the Kuros’ back as it flew them both away from the battle.

Krypt King immediately felt guilt at abandoning the fight, but unfortunately, he did not have to regret it for long. The Kuros had flown him away from the battle, keeping it’s promise, but it had taken him to another Kurosian village.

Immediately, Krypt King was killed by the Kuros he let live. It tossed Krypt’s body down the mountain while it kept his soul in a gem to use as boasting jewelry. Krypt King’s body was then lost deep within the Kurosian Mountains.

Krypt King’s soul gem stayed among the Kuros for hundreds of years, being passed down generation to generation of the Kuros that turned on him. One day, the Kuros that wore his gem dropped the heirloom near Skylands and shattered it. Finally free, Krypt King swore vengeance, however he needed to find his body before he could do anything.

His soul wondered for centuries looking for his lost body, but he could not find it. Eventually, his soul found a band of Skylanders lead by Headrush. He pleaded their help with finding his body, and they eagerly accepted. Headrush led the band of Skylanders and Krypt’s soul deep into the Kurosian mountains without fear, and did not give up until with the help of Trap Shadow, they found his body.

Bone Chompies had been worshiping his body as some sort of deity, keeping his body within an gigantic crypt and seated upon a mighty throne. Of course, the chompies would not give the body up without a fight. Stuck as a soul, he could not do much, until he found a nearby sword and with all his spiritual strength he possessed a sword to fight with. Even still, Krypt was overwhelmed, and once more felt the same fear he had all those years ago. But the Skylanders jumped in eagerly to help him defeat the hordes of chompies.

Finally, Krypt had his body back! He once again took charge of himself and eagerly picked up the sword to take revenge on the Kuros… but the Skylanders had to break the news to him. He learned that he could no longer seek vengeance as the Kuros were, at the time, believed to be extinct. Unable to have his revenge, Headrush suggested that he join the ranks of the Skylanders to fight all forces of evil.

Now without meaning, but ever so thankful for all the help they had given him, the undead warrior eagerly accepted. He had long forgotten his true name, so Headrush gave him the name Krypt King and took him to Eon, where he then trained to become a Trap Master.