
I got bored so I doodled some adult!Mehp stuffs. I even threw in Weirdieā€™s Voteil for fun. XD

Mehp would have actually gotten chubby if she was a alive and The Fall didnā€™t happen. Also her markings start to become two tone like normal Craolig Kuros and her speech is no longer broken, but she still speaks in the third person. Typical Mehp. XD


VOTEIL/CRAOLIG/KUROS – @weirdlanders / @pepper-peen-queen

aaaaaaaaaaaw she grew up!!! aaaaw sheā€™s a purdy lady ;u;Ā 


Name: TromluĆ­Ā (Pronounced Trom-Lee)

Nicknames: Trom, Queen of Madness

Meaning: Nightmare

Age:Ā (at death) 250 years.

Breed: Allus

Gender: Female

Race: Kurosian Dragon

Element: Shadow

Minor Element: Fear

Mate: Laoch OnĆ³ir (Honored Warrior)

Children: Uabhas Laochā€™vok

TromluĆ­ hatched as one of theĀ CnĆ”mhdubh (Black Bones) and while held under suspicionsĀ and uncertainty kept to herself even in younger years. She spent most of her time studying and learning about warfare indentingĀ to prove herself and aimed to become Queen.Ā TromluĆ­ intended to show thatĀ CnĆ”mhdubh werenā€™t all creatures of madness prone to tragic happenings and could be something greater. When the time came using her training and element she defeated all who stood in her path even killing the final contender standing in the way of her goal.Ā 

Only one male was ever able to finally take his side as her king due to the fear of their Queen going madā€¦Laoch OnĆ³ir. The pair would have one child together named Uabhas Laochā€™vok who (to most of Kurosia) was born a normal Kuros. Yet it would be after this that madness would begin to show inĀ TromluĆ­ who started to lead campaignĀ that ended up with many lives lost even if the territory had been conquered. The last straw had been when her own mate had tried to kill her with poison, killing Laoch she moved on and did the same to most of her court until stopped.Ā 

Uabhas, her only son was the one who stopped his motherā€™s rampage and killed her, taking his motherā€™s body into The Veilā€¦and never emerged.Ā TromluĆ­ would go down in history known asĀ ā€œThe Queen of Madnessā€ with her story told as a cautionary tale of TheĀ CnĆ”mhdubh and what they are capable of.

(The Kuros belong to @weirdhyenas, Iā€™m just a weeb who plays in the sandbox she and her friend Koof created.)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOW HAD I NOT SEEN THIS omg, I love this so much! I can definately see this bein a tale told to wee lil youngin Kuros O_O you did fantastic on the story and the art too! I love how she looks both beautiful and dangerous at the same time, especially with her lovely eyes and sharp chompers. Awesome, AWESOME work!!!!

~Weird Hyenas

Name: Sona

Meaning: Gold

Species: Kuros

Breed:Ā FiosiocĀ 

Element: Ice/ HealingĀ 

Element specialty: Able to form ice from small sources of water, also able to shift the water through the air before changing it to ice. Her ice can form anything from a sturdy wall, weapon or object with little to no effort. She can also spit shards of ice from her mouth that when on another it begins to absorb the heat from their body until they freeze them from the inside out. Also has a basic understanding of healing with energy to seal wounds and cleanse them from any kind of element ( burnt scales,poison, infection etc. )

Age: Young adult ( 21 in Human Years )

Personality: Clever,Discreet,Focused,Humble,Logical,Perfectionist,Proud

Bio/History: Not much is known about her, she was found near the castle grounds by scouts. Covered in blood and without any parents in sight the child was brought into the city. Once she woke, she had no memory of herself expect for faint flashes of screaming and unbearable pain from her chest. She later was taken under the care of a shire who was raising two of her own children. She quickly got along with sibling and together they trained under the watchful eye of a brokt named Kira who was fighting for the title of queen. Once Kira realized the power hidden within Sona she began the harsh training. She planted ideas into her head, promising her power and glory if she took the currents queen position. Slowly Kira twisted her mind into believing she would be the most powerful dragon. But before Kira could completely corrupt her the shire who raised her realized the true plan of Kira and took Sona away from her and told the queen of Kiras plans of using other kuros to test a way to combine a kuros with light elements. The queen quickly took action and went with guards to detain her but Kira had already escaped and left the city. Without Kira, Sona quickly learned to love herself for who she is and is now going around the city to train others emotionally and physically to prevent them from being used like her. Once she became more well know she got white secondary colors imprinted onto her body to show that shes one of a kind.


Okay so, i have a lot to nerd out about, donā€™t mind me. Ice is such an uncommon element I donā€™t see it often (I donā€™t have a lot of ice dragons myself, oops…). And you really, really thought about how sheā€™d use the elements, which Iā€™m just gawking at. Beautiful job blending the major/minor elements so well, it brings a tear to me eye ;u; And her backstory, omfg I ADORE her story so very, very much.

Be very proud of this bab, omg fantastic bab right here ;u; I love!!!
~Weird hyenas

Yoo, creator of Mongrel here! šŸ˜€ I finally got her little sister, Aoife, done! I havenā€™t submitted her to my dA yet but I will as soon as I can. I had too much fun with her design, though adding in some of those latent Urlathei traits were a pain in the ass. x-xĀ Again, like her elder sister, she is a heavy crossbreed of all sorts of Kuros, and well, inbreeding tends to fuck up things genetically. Some of the traits donā€™t make sense but fuck it, I am having fun.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAH ITā€S THE PRETTY BAB!!!! Omg her storyā€™s so sad too, my poor wee heart ;3; Awesome work again! ;u;

~Weird Hyenas

Greetings! šŸ˜ Finished designing my fan character for the bewitching world of Kurosia. Iā€™ll be making a reference sheet with her info, soon.
Her name is SĆŗileanahkt na Fala (Eyes of the Void), a Yehkshir who wields the element of Void/Abyss.

Oh, my lawd. This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! ;3; My jaw literally dropped open when I saw this, your work is so fantastically amazing. That linework is gorgeous too, AND THAT HAIR LASKD;ALKSDJF I, LOVE THIS. SO MUCH!!!! I wish I had more words to describe how much I love!

~Weird Hyenas


MyĀ  Urlathei Jylinabie (thunder bee) who despite her mean looks is just a school teacher.

Kurosian dragons/ Urlathei belongs to @weirdlanders

Holy sheit!!!!! LOOK AT THIS AMAZING BUG GOIL! Those colors are freakn fantastic SHEā€™S GORGEOUS OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Weird Hyenas

Bochtā€™ Ynort, aka ā€œBaby Hornsā€ is a adult dragon who strove to become the best baker the kurosian people have ever heard of. previously enlisting for the military, he couldnt get very far due to hisā€¦.baby horns. While Bocht grew up to become a strong kuros, his kuronium parts did notā€¦.and bearing the shame of his cute little baby horns, he had to settle for something like baking to offset the sadness. But the cakes he makes are very tasty, so it helps.

aah i had to make one, ive been following you for a long time, much respect ;v;

Omfg, oooooomfg. I love him. I love him so much it hurts. Heā€™s so sad and cute I want to latch onto him like a leech and feed him hugs.Ā 

Heā€™s perfect, he is grace. This is such a clever and funny idea for a character I LOVE HIM. Also omg you make me blushĀ  =/)3(=

~Weird Hyenas


I havenā€™t drawn a dragon for a while so yeah I know it looks wonkey ;w;

But I made another fan kuros! A kuros is a species of dragon created by @pepper-peen-queenĀ 

Sheā€™s a shire breed of kuros I donā€™t have a name for her yet, Iā€™m really bad at creating kurosian sounding names ;w; Iā€™ll probably just refer to her as crystal for now since I thought the idea of having bloodgems set into her scales was a kinda cool idea kinda like those under skin body modsĀ 

OOOOO!!! Sheā€™s super pretty, omg O_O And the body mods, omfg awesome!!!!

~Weird Hyenas