Just wanted to show you my kurobab ive been working on for a few days! I submitted a design to you before (shadow kuros shire with houndoom like bones) and i decided to revamp her look 😀 

Name: Aurwen

Meaning: Sunlight Maiden

Species: Kuros

Breed: Shire

Element: Fire(basic orange colour)

Element specialty: Able to superheat her kuronium to red hot levels, giving the ability to cut through most things

Age: Young adult (equivalent to a 24 year old)

Personality: outgoing, happy, can be shy, always an optimist, is prone to bouts of deep sadness and stress due to internalizing most negative. Suffers from anxiety and stress

Bio/History: Aurwen was the second born of a small Shire clan within kurosia’s main city. Her mother favored Aurwen’s older sister, who had shown her complete devotion to her people at a young age. 

Aurwen was pushed away and easily forgotten because of this, and this led her to often play by herself…most finding her too weird to interact with. Aurwen grew and became more shy and reclusive towards most other dragons…this led her mother to bouts of anger and abuse for aurwen not being like the other dragons her age. 

Aurwen soon found solace within her books, and developed a love for reading. Myths and history of her people was what interested her most. While in school, aurwen decided on going to college to work within the orphanages. When the day came to reveal this to her mother and sister, it was confessed that her older sister had already been accepted into a fine college for that very thing. 

Aurwen grew bitter and jealous over her sister, and decided to become a Silverwing, for she was a good flyer. Her mother tore that idea down, belittling Aurwen into a simple soldier occupation. Feeling down but not out, Aurwen sought extra help from her paternal grandmother, whom she had a deep bond with, for a boot to her abilities, leading to a rift to be torn between her mother and her. 

Shortly after her enrollment into the army as a foot soldier, she found herself being courted by a handsome Yinvaht. The two became mates and were inseparable. 

Aurwen was present during the attack on Kurosia by Malefor. She was on her regular patrol around the town when the chaos erupted from the veil. Stunned into a frozen state Aurwen watched as her people were caught and slaughtered by the apes. She flew into a fury, a deadly mix of blazing fire, super heated claws and fangs, and a lashing bladed tail. She fought valiantly for her kind, but eventually was overrun by the apes and her neck was slit. 

She can still be found down in the lost city, happily going along her appointed patrol route, humming a happy tune. A warm orange glow around her spectral form, but once she realizes she is dead, she lets out a wicked scream and superheats the air around her to blistering temperatures….before fading away.


Geez, sorry for the long post, im just so proud of this! I would love any critique or input you could give me(KalownaFoxPard on FA and pheonixfoxblood24 on DA)  

Daaaaaaayum hon, very flippin nice!!! Well thought out story and such a sad end but, GUD! She looks real purdy hon, very very good work!!! I’m such a sucker for tragedy and purdy orange shades xux

~Weird Hyenas

Well my kuros baby is back… and with her own baby. I finally named the feathered one Avelyn as she almost did make (her mom almost died too) in egg laying. However she is not a Yinvaht. She is a unique species whose name means “the eyes of Mahoura” because Mahoura is her primary deity. Her child shown isn’t named bit is also a new species. She has crystallized Kuronium growing as chest plates and as hems adorning her. Hence her species name means “The Crown Jewel” or something like that. I will make species ref sheets eventually. Pardon any spelling errors

Oh daaaaaaaaayum I’m a sucker for black scleras so I loves her already ;u; Very nice babs, I dig the crystallized kuronium!

~Weird Hyenas

just wanted to share this with you if i could ^-^ its my mate as a Yinvaht Kuros. His element would be electricity and his job would be a scientist/alchemist where he uses his own electricity to power his machines. I think he looks super handsome 😀 Thank you for making such awesome dragons/breeds! its so inspiring >w<

OOOOOOOO!!! Oooo this is a lovely bab! Nicely creative with the feather ponytail and that shoulder marking IS NICE!!! Jebus wonderful work HE LOOKS AMAZIN!!! Thank YOU! 

~Weird Hyenas



I doodled another dragen.

This beb belongs to my friend @spotlights-blog or you can just call em’ Wyvernz. She’s a Kuros dragon and THAT species belongs to @weirdlanders! 😀

Yep, ima feeling generous today! ;u;

Edit: according to my friend, this specific Kuro breed blogs to @spookoofins so, sorry bout that. ^^;



~Weird Hyenas, mod

Name: Sidashi Adar (Se-Da-Shi)

Gender: Male 

Age: 335 

Species: Kurosian Dragon

Breed: Fiosioc 

Personality: Sidashi wasQuiet, Insightful, Observed individuals and ideas without getting directly involved so that he could fully understand them. Although this approach prevented him from becoming close with many Kuros, it enabled him to think and act without prejudice or preconceptions, instead evaluating things strictly on their own merits. He was solemn and observant; he thought very quickly and remained calm in a fight, enabling him to respond with maximum efficiency and with the smallest likelihood of misjudging circumstances. If an opponent exceeded his expectations or posed a legitimate challenge to him, Sidashi would freely admit it. Had a passive nature towards the world he was also never arrogant about his abilities, accomplishments, or his kingdom. 

Relationships: Mother (Deceased), Father (Deceased), Brother (Alive) 

Children: None 

Role: High General (or whatever rank is below Warlord) 

Nationality: Kurosia 

Homeworld: lost kingdom of Kurosia 

Elements: Fire, Electricity 

Voice Actor: Crispin Freeman (the english voice of Itachi Uchiha from Naruto) 

Abilities: Sidashi was a Kuros of prodigious talent, consistently showing prowess well-beyond his years and rising rapidly through the ranks. He was a renowned legendary fire user using the element in ways other Kuros couldn’t even compare to, for example his standard fireball is about 3X bigger than other Kuros fire users. He uses his electricity to energize his feet to greatly boost his speed. He had impressive speed and reflexes, particularly with his claw and wing movements. As a spirit he is able to merge with Vactus giving him all of Sidashi’s knowledge of combat, elements, and natural talents though only for an hour every three days. 

Backstory: A perfect soldier, a genius of the ages, a heretical thinker these were just a few titles given to Sidashi by the kingdom. Mother and father couldn’t be any more proud of him. Sidashi didn’t really care for the glory of the kingdom or the beliefs of the gods he only cared about one thing…his little brother Vactus he was the entire world to him. Having been to many battles in different kingdoms Sidashi learned much from these places such as seeing the world from different perspectives and not just the Kuros way. In every free moment he had he always helped Vactus whether it was with his studies, training, or just needed a hug after a long day Sidashi was there for him. When his little brother did a good job in school or training he always took him to the market, to festivals, even just to get a bite to eat at their favorite place that served good roast beef. Many Kuros viewed him with respect for his prowess and skills while others looked at him with disgust for his passive thinking and views about the world, this did not bode well with the family the only thing they cared about was his rising through the ranks rapidly which even gained the attention of Queen Athrenna. Good things never last however for when the Fall occurred Sidashi gathered what friends he had as well as Vactus’s mate with her egg and hunkered down in the castle barracks though when door was about to be brought down Sidashi made the ultimate and logical choice left…….he gathered as much energy in his body as he could and set it off like an atom bomb scorching the entire barracks leaving it a boiling death-pit to any who set foot in it. As he died however Sidashi’s spirit/soul did not follow the laws of death like the others for the love of his brother was so strong it defied them. In spirit form he searched for his brother in the city only finding corpses and ruins but when Vactus arrived at the gates and he saw a ghost about to attack him he grabbed his shoulder and told him to run and so he did. Now Sidashi being able to roam free as a spirit he accompanies Vactus on his journeys always watching…always protecting…always loving him.


1. King Kurogh once threatened Vactus at a warlord gathering when he made a joke of his spikes but in the blink of an eye Sidashi was in front of the king with a claw at his throat coated in fire staring him down till Kurogh backed off.

2. Rumors spread that Sidashi might be able to beat King Kurogh in battle because of that incident he stated however even if he could he has no desire to be king.

3. Vactus can see and talk to Sidashi as a spirit whenever he needs to, though only a powerful full blood Kuros can see him clearly (yes Feuriah can see him :] )  

4. Itachi Uchiha from Naruto Shippuden was a HUGE inspiration for this Kuros.

What a day oh boy took me all afternoon for this hope you like it Weird your creations give me so much inspiration. 😀   


AW BABIIIIIIII I’m so sorry I took so long to post this! Things haven’t gotten much better on my end and it’s been rather discouraging, I’ve really slacked on this blog and just went on hiatus. But thank you for your kind words, and putting so much thought into this wonderful babs cuz BOI do I love tragic stories >:3 especially spirit stories, I eat dat up!

Thank you again hon! BE PROUD OF THIS BAB!!!
~Weird Hyenas, mod

Name: Lilija

Gender: Female

Species: Kuros

Breed: Fiosioc Ghost

Element: Ice

Age: 16 (at death)

Role: Bakery employee (family owned)

Nationality: Kurosia

Relations: N/A

Personality: bubbly, optimistic, intuitive, loyal and cunning

Backstory: Lilija was born to two Fiosioc parents having gained the rights to rear a child from the Mahourian priest and priestesses and spent most of her young life working in the family bakery in the kingdom of Kurosia.  Like many Fiosioc she was a pitiful fighter, but being the naturally cheerful dragoness that she was, this bothered her little. She felt that her work at the Bakery helped progress the more cultural side of her people, helping her people to bond and work together over simple things. However, she was far from naïve, as she had this perceptive part of herself that allowed her to see other’s true nature, and this further allowed her to be able to get out of tough situations, and even, to a lesser degree, manipulate others to do her bidding as she seemed so innocent; though she preferred not to manipulate others too often, as she disliked it, seeing it as below her and weak. However, this skill wouldn’t do much for her when King Kurogh brought in the strange and powerful dragon Malefore. She was scared of the purple beast, there was something sinister about him that others didn’t see, some did, but it mattered little as many blindly followed their King, believing Malefore would lead them to greatness. Lilija doubted her king, silently as not to be brandished a traitor, and preferably looked to her Queen for true guidance, glad to see that Queen Feuriah was wary of the purple dragon as well, but Lilija’s insight wouldn’t prepare her however, when all her people would be slaughtered before her. After that she remembers little, but Lilija did in fact perish during the fall.

Like many of those killed during the fall of Kurosia, she was unable to move on without the God Bhailiu to lead her soul to the veil. She has since wandered the fallen kingdom as a lost spirit. Often times she still believes that she is alive and reacts her daily routines, when doing so she looks like she did when was alive, however sometimes she can become aware of the fact that she is dead and become distressed as she tries to find help from anyone. During her states of awareness she can carry on a conversation with a living being for a while, but she doesn’t remember quite how she died. Sometimes she becomes startled when she realizes that she is dead, and becomes hostile like many other spirits in Kurosia. She reveals her ghostly specter form with icy eyes, and cold mist wiping around her form that sends chills through the living. In this form she attacks any living creature close by with her vicious icy attacks. After a while she calms back down and the cycle continues for as long as she remains a lost spirit, sporadically switching between these three states of mind since the fall. She is forever trapped along with the others.

I hope I submitted this correctly, I guess we’ll see. I did a kurobab after stalking this blog for a while and decided that it was time for me to make one. I hope you like it! ^^

You know, it always  breaks my heart to read stories of fankuros that died. Even tho it’s like, my fault in the first place (or Malefors….still!). It’s heartrenching and so many of yalls stories end up making me tear up like a wee babi. Well, I definitely did with this one too.

There is so much thought put into this bab that it blows me away. When anyone puts so much thought into their kurobabs it stuns me and makes me feel so inspired by yall. This  bab… is bootyful. The story of her really punched me in the heart and I love it. She’s purdy to boot! Thank you so very, very much for putting this much time and effort into this babi!!!!

~Weird Hyenas, Mod