
Really big Fans

They start peacoking when they’re excited. Excited to learn more about the Coolest Queen.

OOC : ………again I hate how things don’t show up on my tumblr feed *eye twitches so hard it explodes* Peacocking kurobabis are the best holyjebus look at these precious boobels.

The Short History Between The Xorens and The Kuros

Many millennia ago, the Kuros had cross paths with the Xorens on the battlefield while fighting an unknown pack of creatures. A Kurosian warrior was the first to encounter the Xoren night, at first the Kuros was ready to fight this mysterious stranger, but the Xoren never moved he didn’t even make a fighting stance. This dragon was odd, it wasn’t just his presence that was intimidatingly strong, it was the dragon in general, he was up right, on his hind legs, standing up straight. Is this dragon even a real dragon? It didn’t matter to the Kurosian, this DRAGON could be an enemy, for all the Kuros could know this DRAGON could even be the one behind the attack by the strange creatures so the Kuros puts himself at the ready. Just when he was about to attack, one of the creatures pounced on top of the Kuros, he couldn’t move, the creature was over top of the Kuros pinning him down. The Kuros tried to shake off the creatures ragged claws desperately, yet to no avail. The Kuros was sure that his fate was sealed with knowing he was more than willing to accept death, but unexpectedly the Xoren killed the creature to save the Kuros. He was confused and grateful that his life was spared, but at the same time the Kuros was becoming angry with himself for being so weak. The Xoren didn’t want him to get too down about it so he tries to cheer him up by giving him advice. It helped the Kuros put the problem behind him for now, but it was no excuse he voud to train harder form that pint on. The Xoren was happy that the Kuros was no longer upset so he wanted to get back to the task at hand because the scene around them had went silent, it turned out that the fight was over. Now stood two armies, staring at each other in confusion and on the ready to fight, this stirred tension between the two. To make things worse the Kuros and Xoren was between them with the Kuros on the ground. The Xoren knows that he needed to move carefully, he didn’t want to spark anything so he let the Kurosian pick himself up then put a short distance between them. The Kuros said his thanks for saving his life and was just about to leave, but the Xoren asked an unexpected requests. He wanted an audience with the leader of their army.

To Be Continued…

This is for a collaboration I’m doing with a friend.

OOC : Dooood this is hella awesome!!! Very, very creative, intriguing, and the Xoren sounds awesome 😀 The art is very badass too, I love the style of the Xoren my lawd. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH AAAAAAAAAAH AWESOME WORK FALYSYU

I edited one of the TLoS banners because I'm lazy TwT

Some time after the Fall of Kurosia, the Arkeyans learned how to make genetic clones of plants and animals.  Because Kuronium was such a strong metal and due to the subsequent lack of it due to Malefor’s raid, they began genetically cloning Kurosian dragons in massive test tubes.  The dragons were kept alive until they reached adulthood, when they were promptly killed and their bones were harvested.
That is, until one day they hatched a Seuth. He was clever, he was smart.  He knew that he had to keep up his act of playing dead for as long as possible before attempting to escape and free the others.  For years, he remained still inside his test tube, nourished by the vitamin-rich water he was housed in.  Finally, when he reached his adolescence, he broke free of his tube.  The lab was empty, and that is where the Arkeyans made their deadly mistake.
The young Seuth shattered the other tubes, awakening at least a dozen of other Kuros in the lab before dashing to the massive incubators where the Arkeyans kept the eggs.  The group not only escaped with the eggs, but also with every wretched life of the Arkeyans that dishonored them.  With every one of the others free, the young Seuth fled with his people into the mountains to hide.  He had visions, flashes of a horrifying past and memories he wasn’t sure were his; He had visions of grand black buildings that clawed at the sky, statues and a wall of pure darkness; Then came the visions of that great city ablaze, his people screaming and crying for help, the shrieks of apes and laughter of a false god.
The others asked him what he saw and what they should do.
The piebald Seuth answered his people simply. “We go home.”  They had a lot to do before they could even begin trying to make their way to Kurosia; They needed to let the eggs finish incubating, they had to build their strength.  They were only children after all, and their only chance of finding the place was following the words of a Seuth.  And even then, how far did they have to go? Would anyone help them? Were they all that were left of the Kuros?
All of them were troubled too. They all had memories and names they knew were not their own, but one thing was certain: They had to go home and Chonaic, the piebald Seuth, was their only chance.
They called themselves the Ifrean a’Rugaht, the Hellborn, because of the horrid beginnings.  As they continue to make their ways toward home, they can only pray to their gods that they find others and that their people will welcome them despite their disgusting origins.

But then again, who would? They were abominations, a disgrace to the Kurosian people. Being a Kuros was already a bad thing in Skylands, and being born not of the way a true Kuros should be only added insult to injury.  All they can do is hope.


I drew another fankuros because I’ve become addicted to the awesomeness of them ;w;

This is Chonaic, a Seuth and a member of my splinter group of Kuros called the Ifrean a’Rugaht (Hellborn in Kurosian)

OOC : oooooOOOOOOOH my gawd, these colors are amazing! Omg they’re stunning, what a precious lil kurobutt! Amazing work hon, and eeeeeeee the Ifrean a’Rugaht sound ominous, I like >:D