Finally got my Kuros bab done! I was a lazy shit when it came to submitting over on my dA, but ah well. But since the Brokt are my favorite of the Kuros so far, have Mongrel (or Mona, as she’s called by her charge, Maya). She.. doesn’t come from a happy background, but that’s all to be revealed soon enough. >D And yeah, some of her traits don’t make sense since she’s a heavy crossbreed, but she was made before the cross traits guide came out. :’D Plus some of it comes from… a lot of inbreeding, sadly. 

Okee, so I’ve had this sitting in my invox for a wee bit, because I had so much I wanted to gush about this bab ;u;

I just LOVE how unique this gal looks! Such a strange one, but in the way that I just eat up! I can tell you put a lot of thought in her, and i just *love* the tail too! Mutations do happen and it’s really cool to see that on one! I can’t wait to see her background, visually it shows she has had one unhappy life and it makes me so interested to learn about what it is! Also gotta say, I love how striking her eyes are, and her teeth, I dunno why i just, love how that looks? It pleases me eyes? YEE!!!

Thank you so much for sharing this bab!!! 
~Weird Hyenas

Tada! My very first KUROSIAN
(Well not the very first but the one that actually looked decent to me lol)

Weirdhyenas whatcha think?

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH WHAT A BOOTYFUL LADY AAAH!!! Beautiful work like holy pooples, you have such a gorgeous style! ;3; I LURB HER! The feathery shapes at the tips of her wings, how her markings frame her face, my doods amazing job ;u;

~Weird Hyenas

Name: Gazdin
Gender: Male
Age: 566
Species: Kurosian Dragon
Breed: Cryowlin/Shire
Bone Type: Silver Kuroniam
Relation: Vulgin Heart’s family doctor
Mate: 4
Element: Shadow
Birth Place: Kurosia
Role: Family Doctor, Shade Assassin

More Later….

OOC : Look at this snoot. Look at his snoot face. I wanna boop the noodle ❤

Awesome babi! and I love the raptor claw omg, raptor claws best claws! I hope to see more of this snoot!

Kurosian Fan Breed: The Himuldrafiur

Species: Himuldrafiur

Description: Like a Yinvaht, Himuldrafiur is a feathered Kuros, but you can see the differences between them. They are not rare and rather common breed. Legends says, that Mahoura created this breed in order to not let Light and Good to escape and hide in the sky.

Characteristics: They are rather thin and long dragons, a little taller than Yinvaht. Their bones are made of lightweight kuronium to make more easier to fly. Himuldrafiur are owners of bird-like or angel-like wings. Head, neck, back, tail (fully or not), ear shells (if they got them) and back of limbs are covered in large, medium or small feathers (behind the lower jaw there can be feathers too). Their snouts are longer than Yinvaht. Their eyes haven’t irises nor pupils, but that doesn’t mean that they are blind. They are the fast and enduring flyers, if not the best in all Kurosia, learning fast to fly from early age. For the most part, they spend their time in the air. They have excellent eyesight and they can notice the target, regardless of the weather and time.

Behavior: These Kuros are the most calmest of the breeds, it doesn’t mean, that they aren’t feel nothing at all, they just hiding they feels behind professional poker face, even from an early age.


Most common: Air

Common: Water, fire, electricity, poison

Uncommon: Ice, fear, shadow, magic

Rare: Earth, nature, metal

Professions (the most common): Dancers, singers, spies and guards (from above), leaders of scientific expeditions (they can also participate in it), teachers (flight training).


~ They all have high voices.

~ Prefer to breed with someone from their own breed, but it doesn’t mean they can’t with others.

~ Can’t tolerate the alcohol at all.

(I hope their design haven’t gone too far adfsfnfhzvs ;_;)

OOC : Daaaaayum son! These are some well thought out babs, a close kin to Yinvaht but different and unique in the best ways, so they stand on their own well! Love the lore, and the professions/abilities make sense! I flippin adore, great work ;u;


Name:Kalthea Druadach’Vok



Age:???(29 in human years at time of death)

Species:Kurosian Dragon Ghost(Shire)



Voice Actor:Val Kilmer


Winter’s Wrath:Breaths a stream of ice that causes frostbite within a matter of seconds for most creatures.

Spears of the Glacier:Similar to the above attack save that the ice takes the form of projectiles that are launched at the enemy.

Bulwark of the North:Summons a shield of ice around him that, like Winter’s Wrath,will cause frostbite on contact.

Appearance:Kalthea is a typical Shire male with silver horns that resemble those of a bull, which match the markings on either side of his shoulders that bear the likeness of said animal’s skull. He has deep blue eyes that are the same color of the upright mane that runs from the top of his head to just below his shoulders.


Kalthea was born to a Shire father, who served as a soldier in the Kurosian army, and a Brokt mother, who worked as a blacksmith. Both his parents were intensely dedicated to their professions, wanting nother more than to better their people’s lives. Each saw the patriotism burning in the other’s hearts, leading them to consider the possibilty of providing an offspring in order to combine their strengths so that their beloved city might be further empowered. So it was that Druadach Bruca’Vok and Illinalta Rannveig’Vel entered the tournmanets to see if they were capable of being mates. Neither could best the other in combat, earning them the right to breed. Kalthea’s egg was laid not long after Feuriah arrived in Kurosia.

Kalthea was unsure at first what to choose as a career. He considered being a soldier, but they often travelled far away from home and he preferred to remain in Kurosia. Becoming a blacksmith also did not seem right to him, as much as he admired his mother for it. Then one day, as he observed the guards patrolling the streets, something in his mind clicked. They protected Kurosia just as much as the soldiers, but stayed within its walls for the most part. Soon after he set off on the path to enter their ranks. It was not easy, as one would expect, the young dragon being pushed to his utmost limit in mind, body, and soul. His love for Kurosia and its people fuelled his every step, though, and despite the harsh training he succeeded.

Like his parents before him, Kalthea was devoted to serving the inhabitants of Kurosia, admiring Feuriah most of all. That was to say he did not repsect Kurogh, but the older male made him uneasy whenever Kalthea saw him. This feeling only increased when Malefor arrived and the King treated him as a god. Something about the purple dragon didn’t seem right, although Kalthea didn’t quite know why. The young guard knew very well to keep his mouth shut, trying to ignore the dread that filled his heart. When Malefor betrayed them Kalthea was horrified to see the home he loved so much being destroyed. He threw himself into the fray, using all his might to defend his people, but was ultimately defeated.

He to see Kurosia charred and smoking, the corpses of his fellow dragons almost barely recognizable after they had been mangled by Malefor’s army. Kalthea was confused that he was still alive, until he glanced down at himself and nearly screamed. He could clearly see his skeleton, which meant that he had indeed passed away. Kalthea wished for the sight to go away, causing his form to shimmer until he resembled his living form again. He stood there for a moment before picking his way through the remnants of the city, hoping to perhaps find another ghost like himself, or perhaps even a survivor. Kalthea did indeed find another spirit, but rage and hate emanated from it. The being began to attack him, and Kalthea fled to the castle, the only place that might still be safe.

Years passed as he roamed its ancient halls, fortunate to rarely encounter another malevolent ghost. He often wondered why he had not ended up like the others. Sometimes he thought perhaps the gods had intervened, but that was unlikely. They did not help the Kurosians when Malefor attacked. Kalthea doubted they would ignore such a situation yet aid him. Still, now and then he would pray to them, hoping that in their slumber they would hear his pleas and answer him. He had began to lose hope when he saw someone he had given up ever seeing again.

At first Kalthea thought the dragon before him was either a ghost or an illusion.When he saw a short, bald human communicating with her he relized she was very much alive. He wanted to run to her and tell her how thrilled he was to see her again. Then Kalthea remembered she might not even be able to hear him. Besides, even if she did, the ghost was not sure how his Queen would react. It was an all to real possibilty that she might be highly upset at seeing one of her fallen subjects. He learned from the conversations between her and the human that a group called the Skylanders had failed to help the Kurosians. This caused him to develop a deep dislike for them, remembering all to well what had happened to his city because of their neglect.

Kalthea continues to watch Feuriah, as well as her family, from a distance, trying to assist them in any way he can without revelaing that he is there. He desperately hopes they will be able to defeat the Skylanders and restore Kurosia to its former glory. Until then, he lurks among the shadows, happy to have a purpose once more.


I’ve been looking at @weirdhyenas Skylander blog @weirdlanders and have become quite intersted in the Kuros. I admit, not once have I ever played Skylanders and the only Spyro games I focused on were the orginal game and “Ripto’s Rage”. Still, I couldn’t help but make a Kuros of my own. The names of his parents are taken from the “Elder Scrolls” universe, while his is drawn from Superman.I used Feuriah’s profile as a guide, athough in no way did I intend to copy anything. Please forgive me, Ms.Weird, if I got something wrong. 🙂


Kuros © WeirdHyenas

Kalthea Druadach’Vok © paladinofthelantern(me)

OOC : Lawdy, this babi is well thought out! So sad, but detailed! ;u; I absolutely love him hon, amazing work thinking this babi thru! *latches onto Kal’s face*

Though I’m a lil late for the hype, I thought I’d make a Kuros as well. c: I hope you like him.

Name: Furio
Gender: Male
Species: Kurosian Dragon
Breed: Brokt
Element: Lightning and wind (though wind is rarely used)
Relations: Fucca the Fawn (best friend)
Voice actor: Don Ameche
Role: Early retired soldier due to injury

Physical appearance
Furio is bulky and muscular. Being a Brokt, it’s to be expected, but he does train everyday in order to stay in shape.
His headcrest/fins are movable and react to his emotions. When calm and sad, the fin with hang low, almost flat against his neck. When feeling joy, anger or curiousity, the fin stands up, stretching the membrane to its fullest.

Short backstory
Furio was part of an army of soldiers, mixed of different dragon races, who fought against evil-doers to protect their village. The soldiers always fended off the intruders and kept the village safe, til Malefor’s goons attacked. They were stronger than the soldiers thought and where forced to flee and leave the village, though Furio got cocky from all their victories and were sure he could take them. A mistake he had to pay for.
In the fight with the apes, his wings got injured so badly, they went limb and refused to move, when he tried to flee by flight. He ended up having to outrun the apes, as to not pay with his life instead.
He found his way back to his villagefolks and had a druid look at his wings. Sadly, they were not savable. Furio told the druid to just get rid of him. What use were the wings, if they were to never take flight nor even move ever again.
Though it was a painful operation to go through, he got them removed. Forever stained with the scars on his back. Shortly after, he decided to retire from the army. He saw no use for him in it or the village anymore and left.

OOC : HOLY SHIT GUYS LOOK AT THIS PRETTY BAB.LOOK AND READ THE BADASS BACKSTORY ;3; amazing job hon, seriously this is one pretty, pretty kurobab!!!

Another Ifrean a’Rugaht member because I feel like spoiling you

Name: Oleiandre Neimhe

Nickname: Spiderwing

VA: Greg Cipes (Kevin)

Element: Lightning

Breed: Allus

Story: Oleiandre, while not really bad, is a snarky and sarcastic individual.  He doesn’t like being alone and has a hard time getting along with the other Kuros in the group due to the fact he can be a bit clingy.  He’s pretty chatty and can be loud, but somehow is good friends with Balur, giving the Brokt some affectionate teasing every so often.  While he was not one of the Kuros created in a test tube, Oleiandre’s egg was found by the Arkeyans.  His father, an unknown survivor of the Fall of Kurosia, had been killed defending his mate and egg by the same Arkeyans that ran the operation and stole the egg from Oleiandre’s mother.  He was freed the same way the others were, and followed the Seuth until they arrive in Kurosia.  While he is bitter for being left in the hands of the Arkeyans, Chonaic reminds Oleiandre that his mother loved him.  Kuros or not, Oleiandre’s mother would love him to the end of time.
While he doesn’t show it, Oleiandre secretly hopes to meet his mother and form some sort of bond with her.

Oleiandre is also disfigured; His wings have no membranes which render him completely flightless and one of his back legs is too long so he walks with a limp

OOC : I can stare at your babs all day holy jebus they’re all so creative ;u;